Return 4 players in Solo Blood mode are screwed



Screenshot: WB Games / Turtle Rock Studios

Back 4 Blood is available in early access for people who have pre-ordered the sophisticated and more expensive versions of the zombie shooter. And these players have found that trying to play the game solo means you have to give up a lot. Specifically, you won’t be able to unlock Achievements, earn valuable Supply Points, or even track your stats in the game. As you might expect, people aren’t happy with this and the developers promise to “fix it.” “.

Back 4 Blood is the last game from the studio that originally developed Left for dead. The company’s last great shooter was the interesting but flawed flop, Evolve. As Left for dead, Back 4 Blood is a cooperative zombie shooter built around teams of players or bots pushing through the living dead-infested levels.

Back 4 Blood was not officially released until October 12, but players who pre-ordered the deluxe or ultimate edition of the game got early access to the full game starting October 8. And when one of those early access players tried to jump in Return 4 Blood’s solo mode they were greeted with a message warning them of all the things that are stuck in this mode.

An image of the warning message captured via a phone camera.

Screenshot: QU4NTUM_FLUX / WB Games

“Use the single player decks created in the Fort Hope deck menu.

Maps and objectives will be adjusted.

Matchmaking and player invitations are disabled.

Earning supply points is disabled.

Statistics tracking is disabled.

Progress towards achievements is disabled.

According to this post, players who choose to play alone will not be able to earn Achievements or Trophies depending on their platform, they will not be able to earn Supply Points, and they will not even be able to see their single player game stats. . This immediately led to backlash from players who thought it was too restrictive and punished solo players too harshly.

In response, the developers behind Back 4 Blood released a statement via Twitter explaining that the studio “was discussing ways to resolve the issue.” But the developers had no time limit to expect more news on the situation.

Blocking solo players out of progression might not be so controversial if the game didn’t require online login, either..

In June, Turtle Rock confirmed that the entire game (even its single player mode) will require an Always Online connection. Internet connection. It naturally upset players and for good reason. Making a game that can be played solo requires a an always online internet connection is just plain stupid. Turtle Rock suggested adding an offline mode after launch, but we haven’t really heard from this since June.

Combine this old news from an always online service link to recent revelation that single player players will be stuck from much of game progress and stat tracking and you have a bad situation. If the servers for this game are shutting down in a few years and no offline modes have been added or changes made to solo progression, it would be a bad time and it would be nearly impossible to play in the future.


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