Review: Ghosts’ n Goblins Resurrection


Duck, throw, dive, dive and dodge

Ghosts and Goblins is an absolute retro classic.

It kind of embodies the old school, the unfailing feel of some old game development philosophies: you are or you are not. And even if you are there, you could possibly be eliminated, after the game tells you to replay the whole story to see the “real final boss”.

It was infuriating at the time, but it was a battle cry and a direct challenge. Resurrection of ghosts and goblins captures a lot of that same raw spirit, while also making things a little more accessible in the process.

Resurrection of ghosts and goblins (Switch)
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Released: February 25, 2021
MSRP: $ 29.99

Resurrection is an interesting revival in that it embraces the pain of its predecessor, but also allows for concessions and accommodations so people aren’t left behind. There are four difficulty levels: Legend (most difficult), Knight (normal), Squire (easy), and Page (beginner, but with the caveat that you cannot see the entire game). This right tells you everything you need to know: it won’t be a “veteran only” revival.

It also adds the wrinkle of two player co-op into the mix, making things even more accessible as the second person can control three ghosts who can protect, lift, or build platforms for the first player, who is in full control. protagonist Arthur. Nicknamed “The Three Wise Men” (and ably named “Archie [arch platform], Barry [barrier]and wear [well,  he carries you]”), the cooperative element is a very fun way to flip the script on Ghosts and Goblins. I actually finished a full read using the cooperative feature; and my partner and I had a lot of fun in the process.

You might also need a little help from your friend Resurrection of ghosts and goblins can be brutal. Most of the checkpoints are pretty close together, but some sequences require a ton of finesse and awareness to go through. On the highest setting, without using any checkpoints or co-ops for the highest possible score, it can feel just as oppressive as the original.

I say “do it!” And that includes all sliding scale options. I love the adaptive difficulty settings, and even winning in Squire and Knight mode can be the same feeling of accomplishment as the original. In addition to that, the “Magic Metronome” can slow down or speed up the game. All of these levers are great, but they can’t always hide the lower points of the game. Resurrection.

Some parts of stages don’t feel as inspired and follow the ‘throw tons of enemies at once’ school of thought. Sometimes it’s done elegantly, other times it feels like it was designed haphazardly, especially for a few types of enemies that go beyond their welcome. But then you get to the next checkpoint and all is well for now.

It’s a bit more replayable than your average platform game. Resurrection has a magic system involving a small skill tree (with two branching paths) to add a small level of replayability to the mix. Add in the idea of ​​”Shadow” worlds (remixed versions of levels that appear after you finish), and you’ve got a platform game worth combing through for at least an entire week; not just a weekend.

I know the aesthetic is probably on your mind: I’m with you. I constantly wonder if I like the new art style or not. In the initial trailer, I thought it was putrid at times. But in practice, seeing how well the mechanics stick to the original and seeing all of the unique character models inside, it grew on me. This goes double for environments, which are often full of life.

Resurrection of ghosts and goblins doesn’t constantly fire all cylinders, but when you’re in the groove, on any difficulty, or even with high speed co-op, it reminds me of why I started to like this series in the first place. Capcom has done a really good job preserving it and bringing it to a new generation.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

Resurrection of ghosts and goblins reviewed by Chris Carter



Strong and definitely has an audience. There can be some flaws that are hard to ignore, but the experience is fun.
How we rate: The Destructoid Reviewer’s Guide


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