Review: Oculus Rift S


New and improved

Oculus is jostling right now.

Many other companies have realized that VR is popular with investors and startups, such as Sony, Valve, Google and even HP. It's far from the landscape "HTC vs. Oculus" that debuted in 2016, and they can not stop innovating if they wish to remain relevant.

Although the Oculus Rift S is more of a breakthrough than an entirely new product (leave this Herculean task to the Quest), it continues to dictate why Oculus is one of the most consistent actors in the world. RV sector today.

Oculus Rift S Review

Product: Oculus Rift S
Manufacturer: Oculus
Input: a USB 3.0, a DisplayPort
MSRP: $ 399

As I crawled through the mire and mud of cables unplugging my last Oculus Rift helmet, I was quite surprised at the simplicity of the S: two cables. Yes, two cables without sensors. And fucking hot was that mean! I had a 20-foot extension cable wrapped around a giant wire snake that took me 30 minutes to clean.

Since I have a virtual reality headset plugged into my PC 24/7 for the past three years, it makes things a lot easier. Previously, my configuration involved three sensors (two jobs but three was optimal), all with USB connectors, a USB connector for the old Rift and an HDMI connector. Now you just need a DisplayPort and a USB 3.0. Witnessing a better virtual reality with a pain-free setup (less painful than anything I'd ever used before, including PSVR) was a joy. As always, it is useful to wait if you are on the fence. Out of the box, it took me about 15 minutes to get into virtual reality, and I can not stress enough that anyone, even those who are not technology savvy, can plug these two cables, update the firmware and be connected. On the way.

Ok, let's go to the technique. Rift S sports lenses improved (Fresnel), which reduce the effect of screen door and secular divine rays: according to my experience, this statement is accurate. It features five tracking sensors on the helmet, which work great (especially with the "Guardian" system, which allows you to draw a line where your game space is, to warn you when you're going to hit a wall) now that They are baked.

There is also a new headband (which, according to Oculus, is "more comfortable" but remains pretty much the same, at least for the PSVR-esque halo design), and a position sound. As a sidebar, I missed the built-in headphones of the original Rift because they were louder, blocking more external sounds, but you can use your own technology with the S with a standard 3.5mm jack. The S weighs 563 grams (an elegant way to say £ 1.2), offering a resolution of 2560×1440 with a refresh rate of 80hz (instead of 90) and a cable length of five meters. Here's what you can bring: in terms of performance, everything looks a little better and is autonomous once connected to your gaming PC. Now, let's get rid of it and see if it's worth $ 400.

As I said earlier, the configuration is a dream, which translates into a general impression of easier everyday use. Two wires are less of a chore to move, unplug and manage, especially if you have to use your singular DisplayPort input for something else (I have tested both a direct DP connection and a DP / HDMI converter connection for this review, which has worked, but Oculus warns they are not officially supported). In recent years, I have dreaded having to move the rift anywhere, but now that fear is gone: next step, fasteners. During my tests, I had no major problems with the sensors they work as well as the pedestal sensors, if not better, because you do not need a third tough unit behind you to get better support at the room scale. Passthrough technology allows you to visualize the room around you (for easy setup and recalibration) as the Vive did. Do not hit the cat!

It also comes with the new Oculus Touch remote controls. Look at the picture above: the new one is on the left (you can easily see it because the analog stick is inside) and the old model on the right. It's hard to get used to it, especially since the Home Keys have slowly become my favorite current controllers, but the finger sensors (which allow you to point or close all your fist for some interactions) are more responsive and the touch is still rock.

As for the appearance of games, think of the PS4 Pro or the Xbox One X compared to the first iteration of these consoles: it is "more than marginal", but not a leap of generation. How much is it for you? To date, many killer apps (like Beat Saber) do not have a graphic intensity, and brighter hues will probably not encourage you to spend $ 400 on the Rift S. Robo reminder (one of my "must-haves") seems new and improved, as well as Ground Infinite and several other big hitters. This is either an enthusiastic upgrade (the same people who buy the new iteration of a console), or a new perfect way to slip into the Rift (after all, the original units are already used, they are already gone, so this is SKU's flagship product today).

And that really sums up the Rift S, because I've talked a long time about the joyous shock of the experience of modern virtual reality when version 1.0 was reached and the need to get one to that time. If you've already bought Oculus with the Rift, you probably do not need to run to get the S. In fact, although basically as impressive as the original, it's still an attached headset, so it does not go not change the minds of many people if it is a dealbreaker.

For everyone else, there is still time to move to virtual reality with Oculus.

[A full retail Oculus Rift S headset was provided by Oculus VR for testing.]

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Oculus Rift S commented by Chris Carter


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