Review of The Laundromat on Netflix


When we are constantly bombarded with information about scandals, politics and natural disasters, it's hard to pick a thing that shocks. The laundromat has a suggestion – be angry! About! The! Panama! Papers!

(What were the Panama Papers? Do not worry, 2016 has been a busy year.It was the colossal leak of details about tax evasion abroad and money laundering. money by the super-rich You are welcome!)

Netflix's latest film is intended to remind moviegoers of the lack of resources for people who avoid taxes by hiding their wealth and those who helped them do so.

Unfortunately, the character we are supposed to sympathize with is hardly a conspiracy device, responsible for emotionally supporting the film without leaving it on the screen the time to do it. And that is Meryl Bloody Streep!

Laundromat, Netflix, Meryl Streep


The thing that saves The laundromat to feel like a bad class of university economics is undoubtedly its distribution. Streep gives a sincere benefit as Ellen's widow, caught in an insurance fraud ploy directly related to the Panamanian newspaper scandal.

David Schwimmer, another man victim of fraud, seeks to hide vast sums of money from rich people. He draws Ross's classic face: the sincere ignorance of a man caught in something beyond his control.

Laundromat, David Schwimmer, Netflix


Jeffery Wright is devastated by a character who spends very little time on the screen, but whose role in the scandal seemed to him essential – according to what one can draw from the film.

Like his co-stars, Antonio Banderas does his best with a scenario that focuses on style and not substance. He and Gary Oldman (with a very suspicious German accent) play with Ramón Fonseca and Jürgen Mossack respectively.

It has happened a lot since 2015, so it's understandable that you do not remember all the details. The two real-life companies Mossac and Fonseca ran a Panama-based law firm that facilitated the massive tax evasion of wealthy people around the world. In the film, the lawyers are the narrators, responsible for explaining to us how this extremely complex system of tax evasion works.

Laundromat, Netflix, Meryl Streep


Everything is done in the style of The big court (a movie we love), the only purpose of Banderas and Oldman being to break the fourth wall by informing the public about the process of tax avoidance and Ellen's progress (what we miss because, as noted, she does not have enough time on screen).

Director Steven Soderbergh and writer Scott Z Burns themselves have an explicit property right, both of which are summoned to have their own off-shore companies in charge of holding their assets. (Gag or illustration of the complexity of the question?) Deliberately uncertain.

The only way this It would have worked if we had been with Ellen all the way, defending her while she was looking to find out the truth about why an insurance company would not pay the accident of her husband, watching her pull a wire that would rip several billions of dollars – pull dollar.

But Ellen is put away. Even the triumphant moment in which she utters a passionate speech falls flat. No fault of Streep's, but rather of the fact that, although we should do it, it is difficult to worry about it

Laundromat, netflix


For all the fourth walls The laundromat breaks, the movie can not escape. He tries too much to inspire and enrage. You can not blame anyone, not even Ellen.

In the end, you may want to get angry at the Panama newspapers and want to enjoy the film, The Laundromat is a conference that fails to translate these feelings with passion.

The laundromat will be launched in some British theaters on September 27 and on Netflix 18 October.

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