Revisit Happy Memories with the new Google Photos feature


Image: Brendan Hesse

Today, Google has added new features to Photos that make it easier to revisit your previous photos, regardless of the version of Android or iOS used. And if nostalgia hits you particularly hard, you can print photos directly from local retailers from Photos.


The Google "Memories" archive replaces the "Rediscover Today" reminders that would appear on the Google Photos Assistant tab. From now on, you will sometimes see small circular glimpses of old photos and videos displayed at the top of the galleries main page. These are organized by Google Assistant and appear on the anniversary of the day they were filmed.

Press the circular preview to open the image or video in full screen (and give the impression that time-limited "story" downloads can be posted on Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook. ) Unlike these social media platforms, however, your photo memories are just for you to see. You can also set the Memories feature to show certain types of content (limit content to certain folders, geolocation, etc.) or even disable it completely by tapping the hamburger icon in Google Photos, and then clicking Settings> Memories.

Photo printing

Google's other major addition to Photos is a new photo printing feature, which allows you to print your digital photos at nearby retailers like CVS and Walmart, or to order and ship them from the service. Google impression. Photo prints can be ordered both in the application or via your browser.

These new options have made Google Photos a better app, but they also indicate Google's long-term goals for this app. Recent updates to Google Photos, such as the Memories tab, as well as the reviewed sharing menu of Android 10, make it easy to share content from within the app. Google plans to add additional features to Photos, such as direct messaging, which will look more like a social network. Thus, these allusions to Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat seem even more appropriate.

The Live Image Sharing feature still exists in a few months, but the Memory and Photo Printing features must be enabled for all iOS and Android users. Just make sure that you have installed the most recent version of the application from Google. Play or on the Apple App Store.


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