Rex Tillerson told Jared Kushner that "his interference" in foreign policy "endangered the United States": report


A new book, due out on March 19, reveals that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have clashed with several senior White House officials, who were worried that the couple is combining government work with personal interests and lack of expertise for the work they were trying to accomplish, the newspaper reports. The Guardian.

In her new book, journalist Vicky Ward describes tense clashes between the couple, who is the president's chief advisor, and high-level aides at Trump.

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson allegedly accused Kushner of approving Saudi Arabia's blockade of Qatar and told him that "his interference had endangered the United States." United".

Gary Cohn, Trump's former economic advisor, asked Kushner about dinner with leaders of a Chinese finance company planning to invest in the Kushner family's tower in Manhattan.

"You must be crazy," Cohn told Kushner.

Beyond the obvious conflicts of interest, White House insiders mocked the couple for being too ingested and not having the skills needed for good governance. According to the Guardian, who obtained a copy of the book, Ward claims that White House staff members made fun of Kushner for attempting to be "secretary of everything." Ivanka Trump's team was labeled Habi – "the focus of all bad ideas".

Former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly said the couple was "just playing government."

Kushner strove to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without clear results. He also tried to repair the damage done to Saudi Arabia's reputation after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Ivanka Trump has championed women's issues as a cause, but the concrete results of the policy are unclear.

Nevertheless, the couple would have great ambitions, Ivanka considering a Trump presidential dynasty. "She thinks she's president of the United States," Cohn told Ward, according to The Guardian.


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