Richard Branson and Elon Musk’s Kitchen Photo Getting Roasted


Eccentric billionaires Richard Branson and Elon Musk have a lot in common.

They both have more money than anyone should have and they both do deeply weird and unnecessary things like shoot things into space with rockets that cost enough to solve world hunger.

So, you’d expect guys of this caliber to have insanely chic homes, right? Well, in Branson’s case, you’re wrong – at least according to a photo of him and Musk he posted on Twitter just hours before his record-breaking space flight on his own Virgin Galactic spacecraft, Unity 22.

And as important as space travel by a non-astronaut on a spacecraft that was not designed by NASA, all anyone on the internet could see is that Branson strangely has the same kitchen your mother had in 1992.

Now we say this with all due respect, but in the name of God what are those Sears Cabinet Refacing Services 1990’s kitchen cabinets? Why those 80s porcelain drawer pulls? What is this ceramic backsplash and why does it look like the walls of the shower you shared with your little brother in Omaha?

Made Richard Branson, a billionaire! who went into space! – live in a 1992 McMansion? The model house of Development stopped had more style than that. What the hell is going on in Richard Branson’s house ?!

On Twitter, this dilemma quickly eclipsed Branson’s space flight when Last week tonight Writer Kelsea Bauman-Murphy reposted the photo and got right to the point.

Really what’s the point? All she does is ask the tough questions!

Bauman-Murphy’s take on Branson’s cooking really hit a nerve, as it instantly went viral – and inspired a true roast festival in the responses.

It turned out that there was a very simple explanation for this quirk. As Elon Musk tweeted in response, this isn’t actually Branson’s house in the photo, but a rental he was staying in before the big space launch.

But that still left questions unanswered for many on Twitter.

Hopefully there are better cabinets on Mars or wherever Branson plans to build his inevitable space mansion.

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