Rick and Morty fans won’t have long to wait for S5 as Adult Swim releases trailer


Rick and morty S5 will be released on Adult Swim on June 20, 2021.

Rick and morty fans won’t have to wait much longer for a fifth season of the irreverent, Emmy-winning animated comedy. Adult Swim has just released the official trailer for S5, featuring a new series of wacky interdimensional adventures for our favorite belching mad scientist and his wide-eyed, long-suffering grandson.

(Some spoilers for previous seasons below.)

For the uninitiated, Rick and morty focuses on the adventures of Rick Sanchez, an eccentric and alcoholic scientist who lives with his horse-surgeon daughter, Beth, her husband, Jerry, and grandchildren, Summer and Morty. When he’s not on the family couch or plotting mad scientist plans in his lab, Rick often takes Morty on wacky adventures across the multiverse. The series was born out of a parody short film by Back to the future by Rick and Morty, co-creator Justin Roiland, who also voices the titular characters.

Rick’s distinctive “burp-talk” (constant mid-sentence belching) even inspired a paralinguistic research study in 2019. Belching is a so-called “laryngeal vocalization” that occurs at or below the glottis. in the throat, with an acoustic profile similar in many ways to “vocal fry.” The study found that belching in the middle of Rick’s speech is used to express emotion or agreement, for example. They tend to appear in the same places where a speaker can use “um”, “like”, “err” or a similar vocalization.

As we previously reported, the first five episodes of S4 aired in November and December 2019. They featured Rick and Morty teaming up with Mr. Poopybutthole and “Elon Tusk” for a heist; free the excited dragons from the sorcerer who enslaved them; and fight against time-traveling alien snakes, among other adventures. As always, references to pop culture abound, riffing the movies Edge of tomorrow, we flew over the cuckoo’s nest, Akira, Battlestar Galactica, and the Terminator franchise, for example. There was also a special Rick and morty short, “Samurai and Shogun”, a clever consignment of classic samurai movies, entirely in Japanese, with broken English subtitles, which only adds to the fun. (“Such a fool you have to kidnap Shogun Morty, the soul of us Ninja Rick!” Says a leader of Ninja Ricks wearing an eye patch.)

The remaining five episodes of S4 aired from May 3, 2020 through May 31, 2020. As the duo battled mind-controlling parasites, Rick got entangled in a paternity battle for the permeation of a sentient planet named Gaia, and the couple boarded the “Story Train” (where all the passengers tell each other stories about Rick – the power source for said train) and are captured by the Story Lord. The season finale mostly focused on trying to figure out which version of two Bethes is real and which is a clone, as well as the brief return of Tammy (now a Galactic Federation agent) and Birdperson (now Phoenixperson). . Rick eventually admitted he was a terrible father and found himself clueless and alone.

Based on the S5 trailer, it doesn’t stay that way. We can expect an Alt-Rick sporting a swordfish across his chest, dueling versions of Rick (“We can fix this, stop trying to kill each other”), a “weird man from the top. ‘excited ocean’ and the usual interdimensional alien monster attacks. “Why are they mad at you, anyway?” Morty asks at one point, to which Rick responds, “They’re talking about me, it could be anything.”

Rick and morty S5 will premiere Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 11 p.m. EDT on Comedy Central’s Adult Swim. The first four seasons are now streaming on HBO Max.

Ad image by YouTube / Adult Swim


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