Rick Pitino abroad, his son will train Gophers against Louisville


Richard Pitino Some family members will be heading to Des Moines for Thursday's NCAA game between the Gophers and Louisville. His brother. His cousin. His father will not be here, though.

Former Cardinals Coach and Hall of Fame Member Rick Pitino Wednesday with Panathinaikos, his team of the Greek League, which would make the return difficult.

"He's pretty busy," said Pitino. "He is in Greece. It's not like he's in North Carolina. He has games. "

It's not because Pitino would like former Pitino to try to distract himself by trying to find himself in a school where he is suing for what he claims to be an unfair dismissal two years ago.

Pitino, his father's assistant in Louisville from 2007 to 2009 and again in 2011-12, said the Cardinals had kept good and difficult memories.

"Being an assistant coach there, coaching a son, was a great success. [memories]Pitino said. "Obviously, it did not finish well, which is very unfortunate."

Rick Pitino had a successful return to training when he led Panathinaikos to the Greek Cup championship in February.

"As a son, when you see your father happy, that's what really matters," said Pitino. "The last two years have been difficult for him. He likes to train. "

When asked when he thought his father would coach again at the university, Richard Pitino said he hoped he would.

"He is one of the greatest coaches to ever coach," he said. "Obviously, bad things have happened. He was the head coach. He was held responsible. He has been without a coach for two years. He is in Greece right now.

"People act like he does not pay the price. For me, it does not make much sense. He paid a price. How much more does a price have to pay? For me, it is part of university coaching … It would be great to see him back on a university sideline at some point.

Stockman not cleared

Pitino had hoped the Gophers could play their first NCAA game on Friday, because that would have given another day to senior center Matz Stockman to recover from a concussion he suffered at the Big Ten tournament. .

Stockman, a 7-foot transfer from Louisville, was not allowed to contact Monday. He was the best player on the bench in the last few weeks after the second year Eric Curry underwent a foot operation at the end of the season.

"We need him," said Pitino. "We do not have much depth in the front zone without him."

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