Riley Boots Calls Tarantino For The Manson Family


The director of "Sorry to Disturb You" said that Manson's followers were "not" hippies "who launch leftist critics on the media," as the movie describes it.

[Editor’s note: Boots Riley’s exclusive follow-up statement to IndieWire has been added to the bottom of the post]

The writer and director of Boots Riley, "Sorry to Disturb You," came back on Twitter after a break of nearly three months to share a review that he had with Quentin Tarantino's description of members of the cult sect. Manson family in "Once upon a time in Hollywood". Actors such as Dakota Fanning, Austin Butler, Maya Hawke and Lena Dunham play the lead role in the film as Manson's followers, many of whom are based on real people. Riley challenged Tarantino's scenario for portraying the cult members as liberal-minded hippies who did not deal with their racism and right-wing views at all.

"The Manson family was a white supremacist who had tried to start a racial war to kill blacks," Riley wrote to his followers. "They were not" hippies "springing from media criticism, they were right-handed.This fact overturns Tarantino's allegory."

The scene "Once upon a time in Hollywood" Riley is talking about just before Manson fans enter Rick Dalton's home. Rick (Leonardo DiCaprio) managed to convince Tex Watson (Butler), Susan Atkins (Mikey Madison), Linda Kasabian (Hawke) and Patricia Krenwinkel (Madisen Beaty) of Cielo Drive, thus preventing the murder of Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie). Manson supporters agree to kill Rick after realizing that he is the actor who played Jake Cahill in the TV show "Bounty Law." After explaining to the group how his generation grew up on TV shows obsessed with murder, Atkins told the group, "My idea is to kill the people who taught us to kill."

According to Boots, Atkins' statement as written by Tarantino falsely describes the real values ​​of members of the Manson family cult in real life. Boots' criticism is far from the first shock that Tarantino has received for distorting events in "Hollywood". Director Bruce Lee's description (Mike Moh) became a hot topic of controversy in the weeks following the release of the film. Bruce Lee's daughter, Shannon, sentenced Tarantino for describing the martial arts legend as an "arrogant hot-air jerk", while Lee's protégé, Dan Inosanto, said the film did not describe not accurately the late star of the action.

"Once upon a time in Hollywood" now plays in theaters. IndieWire contacted Boots Riley for an additional comment, to which he gave the following statement:

I'm not saying that it must be historically accurate, it's just that the difference changes the real meaning of the film. For example, when cowboy Cliff Booth met them and heard the Manson family talk about "Negroes are savages and will take over," he could have felt a kinship. In fact, I love Tarantino a lot as a filmmaker and I usually go to see his movies about twice each time, with other viewings later. One correction is that I said they wanted a race war to kill blacks, but they actually wanted it to end blacks being enslaved by them. The two things they said rang "counter-culture" were during their trial and used it to gain sympathy. The meteorologists said things to their support during their trial, which they explained as being sarcastic and out of context that would have shown them sarcastic.

In addition, that does not mean that I did not enjoy the movie separately.

Excellent performance and I enjoyed the unorthodox structure. There are other things to say about this movie – as in any movie – but it's as far as I want in the burrow terrier.

Manson was hanging out with Republicans like the Beach Boys and racists like the Hells Angels – it was not the left at all.

But again, the question is really what is the difference of meaning between history and these facts.

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