RIP Chewbacca, Sander Cannon Votes and Wedding Bells for a World Leader: The Morning Rundown


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By Petra Cahill

Hello, readers of NBC News.

Fans of "Star Wars" mourn the loss of Peter Mayhew, the best-known actor for playing the role of Chewbacca in this iconic film series.

Here is what we are looking at elsewhere today.

"He lied to Congress"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Did not mince her words Thursday about her views on Attorney General William Barr's testimony before Congress last month.

"The Attorney General of the United States of America has not told the truth to the US Congress.It is a crime," Pelosi told the press on Thursday.

She was referring to a testimony that Barr had presented to Congress in April in which he had denied knowing the concerns of Mueller's team.

"No one is above the law – neither the President of the United States nor the Attorney General," Pelosi added.

"Run, hide" mantra put into practice when shooting at UNC Charlotte

When information about a shooter spread to the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on Tuesday, college emergency officers sent out a stern but increasingly familiar message: "Run , hide, fight. "

Having no place to run or hide, a student, Riley Howell, took the last option and confronted the shooter.

His actions "have discouraged the assailant," said Charlotte-Mecklenburg police chief Kerr Putney. "Without his job, the assailant may not have been disarmed, but unfortunately he has given his life in the process, but his sacrifice has saved lives."

While Howell's family is struggling with his death, they said that they were "beyond pride" in his actions.

& # 39; So, Chewie, may the force be with you & # 39;

Peter Mayhew, who has screamed in an incoherent and understandable way as Chewbacca for generations of "Star Wars" fans, died at the age of 74.

Mayhew dominated – literally more than 7 feet tall – as a 200-year-old Wookiee from planet Kashyyyk who co-piloted Han Solo's Millennium Falcon.

Tributes were paid to the man who was hailed as both a talented actor and a gentle giant.

"We all love Chewie and we must thank Peter for this lasting memory," said Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm, the Disney-owned studio and the origin of "Star Wars."

Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization? Bad idea, say the experts.

White House officials question the opportunity to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization. Experts warn that this would make the United States less safe and eventually victimize American Muslims to attract the favor of their authoritarian allies.

"What is really worrying here is that this designation is also a smokescreen to essentially attack the American Muslim community by guilt by association," said one expert.

The week in pictures

Sumo wrestlers hold crying babies at the Naki Sumo Baby Crying contest in Tokyo on Sunday.Tomohiro Ohsumi / Getty Images

See more of the most outstanding images from around the world during the last week here.

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Think about it

If William Barr continues to challenge the subpoenas, Watergate could offer several options to Democrats in the House, said Michael Conway, lawyer of the US House Judiciary Committee in 1974, in an opinion piece.

Science + Tech = MACH

Californian engineers have developed a lightweight robot designed to be dropped in disaster areas, where it can collect life-saving information about conditions on the ground.

Quote of the day

"I'm a feminist, but I want to make him suffer the pain and torture of having to suffer himself because of this issue."

– New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern once joked about forcing her longtime partner to ask the question.

A funny thing

The people behind "Game of Thrones" have only three more chances to set fire to the internet with fanatical theories, feverish predictions, rampant speculations and a sum of currencies from the Citadel before the end of the series on May 19th.

As the faithful wait for Sunday's payment, here is a complete overview of what could happen in Westeros.

Arya, armed with a dagger, will he kill Cersei? Helen Sloan / HBO

Thank you for reading the Morning Rundown.

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Thank you Petra Cahill


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