RIP Daniel Johnston, McDonald's Bard


Photo: Gary Miller (Getty)

Daniel Johnston, the singer, singer-songwriter and artist, died Tuesday of a heart attack. Johnston was 58 years old. Johnston had developed a cult for his collection of deeply strange and very personal albums he had recorded since the 1980s. Shannon Miller and William Hughes at the AV Club describe his work as:

Strange, passionate and so emotionally nuanced that listening to it may sound like an act of aggression on the part of the singer and an act of voyeurism for the receiver. Without irony, Johnston sang the world in the manner of 13 years.

Johnston started making his first homemade albums while he was living in Texas in the 80's. He recorded them on audio tapes on a Sanyo boombox and before buying a dubber he would record each copy directly on a blank tape. In 1984, after a period of work in an itinerant carnival, he moved to Austin and began working at McDonald's as a porter. Turn According to his profile, he went to all the customers and urged them to buy his tapes. He began to stage more concerts and other Austin musicians began to cover his songs. After his appearance on the MTV show In tipHe began receiving calls from record players he received at McDonald's because it was the only place he had reliable access to a phone.

He then paid tribute to McDonald's in a song:

It may be the best song ever written about McDonald's.


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