RIP Doctor Who, writer Terrance Dicks, 1935-2019


Dicks on the set of "The Time Warrior" with Jon Pertwee.
Photo: BBC

Terrance Dicks, one of the most influential writers of Doctor WhoThe whole story, died at the age of 84 years.

Dicks' contribution to Doctor Who is legendary – after starting to write scripts on television for the haunting supernatural series The Avengershe first joined the Doctor Who assistant editor in 1968 with the series Second Doctor "The Seeds of Death", a series of scenarios that Dicks would play in the end a major role in the rewriting, which would allow him not only to become editor of the series, but the Author of "The War Games", the 10-part epic that ended Patrick Troughton's term as a physician.

From there, Dicks helped lead the era of the Third Doctor alongside the equally legendary producer, Barry Letts, by completely rethinking the series as the incumbent Lord of Time was momentarily exiled to Earth. Although Dicks and Letts joined Pertwee when he left in 1974, he had an important role to play in helping to shape whoThe future with the casting of Tom Baker as the fourth doctor. After leaving as editor, Dicks continued to write for Doctor Who, writing stories such as the beginnings of Baker, "Robot", "The Morbius Brain", "Horror of Fang Rock" and "State of Decay". His latest script for the series was actually one of the most ambitious in the series: The Five Doctors, the legendary 20th anniversary special. In total, more than 150 episodes of the series were edited or written by Dicks, leaving an indelible trace in the history of the program.

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But while Dicks' commitment to Doctor Who As a television series is indisputable, it will forever be loved and commemorated by a generation of fans, including Chris Chibnall and Steven Moffat, who will produce the series themselves, as a writer of many of Target's classics. Doctor Who novelizations. At a time when television rebroadcasts were rare and non-existent home outings, Target Doctor Who The novices were for many fans the only way to relive a story or meet it for the first time, and they would do it mostly through the optics of Dicks: he wrote more than 60 of the 156 classic books of Target.

Chris Chibnall, Doctor WhoThe current showrunner, issued a statement about Dicks' move to the Official Journal Doctor Who website:

The lights of Doctor Who are weaker tonight, with the passing of Terrance Dicks. He was one of the biggest contributors to Doctor WhoHistory, on screen and off. As a script writer and editor, he is responsible for some of the show's greatest moments and iconic creations. As the most prolific and brilliant adapter of Doctor Who From stories to Target's novels, he was responsible for a series of books that taught a generation of children, including myself, how enjoyable, accessible and exciting reading can be. Doctor Who was lucky to have his talents. He will always be a legend of the show. Everyone works on Doctor Who send our family and friends our love and condolences in this difficult time.

Dicks is survived by his wife and three children and our thoughts are with them in this sad time.

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