"Riverdale" Recap: Season 3 Finale, "Survive the Night"


Warning: Next post contains spoilers for Wednesday Riverdale final.

the Riverdale a gang enters their last year … but will they all survive to graduate?

Wednesday's Season 3 finale, during which Penelope propelled Archie and his friends into a crazy part of G & G with life and death issues, hit us with an avalanche of shocking moments like arrows shot of Cheryl's bow. The chic is alive and the king of the gargoyle! Penelope killed Hal! Alice and Polly are "riding" in the air with Edgar and the Farmies! But Alice was actually working undercover … with Betty's brother, Charles, who is alive, and an FBI agent! (Charles is also Jughead's brother, do not forget … but do not think about it too much.)

But what was most shocking was the Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead who shared a toast at the milkshake at Pop's and promised that their senior year would not include murder resolution. Go to: Spring break, with Archie, Betty and Veronica covered in blood and burning their clothes in a big bonfire in the woods. They swear never to talk about it again (no matter the term "this") … and Jughead can not be found. In fact, Archie throws his buddy's cap on the fire. Whaaaat?!

Naturally, we had about a million questions after this final, so TVLine contacted Riverdale The host Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa enlightened the many mysteries of the final. Read on for his explanation of this cliffhanger without Jughead, the artificial link between Cheryl and his dead brother, Jason – and if we can say that Archie and Veronica are really together again.

TVLINE | This milkshake is toasted, the gang swear no more murder. But then, we rush to the break week, and it's clear that something terrible has happened, and Jughead is visibly missing. How much should we care about Jughead?
Very worried.[[[[Laughs]Very worried.

TVLINE | What led to this moment in the woods is it the great mystery of season 4?
Yes, absolutely. Each year we try to explore a different kind, a different type of pulp or black trope. Next season is a bit of a tribute to the novels that we read growing up, like Christopher Pike and Lois Duncan, [who wrote] I know what you did last summer and Kill Mr. Griffin. I am a big fanatic of Donna Tartt's novel The secret history. So we wanted to explore a kind of school and student-oriented genre and that led to flash-forward.

TVLINE | We also saw Chic coming back as Gargoyle King, pretending to be Jason. Have you always planned to bring it back?
Yes, since we have never seen his body …[[[[Laughs]We were somehow obliged to bring back Chic. But we all really liked this character and loved this actor. We were figuring out what was the best way to bring him back. It's funny: [Hart Denton, who plays Chic] I did not stop saying, "Are you really going to bring me back?" And I thought, "Yeah, wait, it's still a few episodes!" And we brought it in at the very end.

TVLINE | Betty's father, Hal, is dead now … or is he? Can we believe that anyone is really dead on this show?
It's a good question! I always say, "You never know for good". But I think Hal is finally, really, really dead.

Riverdale Season 3 Finale Alice Edgar The FarmTVLINE | Betty also lost her mother Alice when she disappeared in the air with Edgar and The Farm. Will we solve this mystery next season too – perhaps with the help of Charles?
Absolutely. I would say we pretty much played the story of The Farm. The story that remains to be told is that Betty, Charles and Jughead have to extract Alice from where The Farm is. So that's something we'll be looking at early in the season.

TVLINE | Cheryl has moved away from The Farm, but now she has Jason's corpse home, psycho-style. Has she completely left the bottom of the water?
Yes and no. We talked about it in the [writers’] piece. Cheryl is a character who will always be defined by the loss of her brother and her love for her brother … and that's why she so easily joined The Farm. Someone allowed him to reconnect with his brother. We really thought that at the end of the season, Cheryl would immediately put it back on the ground and say goodbye? Maybe not. Maybe she would delay that as much as possible. Is it crazy? Of course, it's crazy. Do I think Jason is talking to him as Mrs. Bates spoke to Norman? No, I do not think that.

TVLINE | In addition to everything about life and death, we saw Archie and Veronica come to terms with each other. Is it safe to say that they are once again a full-fledged couple?
I … can not say that definitively.

TVLINE | Hiram was thrown in jail, but it's literally a prison of his own, with his name. So, is he still a force to be reckoned with?
Absolutely. Oddly, Hiram is now the king of his castle. It's in its place, so I do not think we've heard the last word.

(For the explanation of Aguirre-Sacasa, why Riverdale did not talk about Luke Perry's death in season 3, click here.)

Well, Riverdale fans, it's your turn: Give a note to tonight's finale in our poll. Do you have ideas to share too? Take a stand in the comments.


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