Rizzo says that no imminent decision on Martinez's status


Coming back from a shocking sweep of four games at the hands of the Mets, citizens General Manager Mike Rizzo spoke before the first game of the series against the Marlins at Nationals Park.

Obviously, the week was not good for the Nats and Rizzo. The Nats have not won a match since Saturday night, losing five straight games, a peak in the season.

There has been a wave of social media discussions about the status of manager Davey Martinez. The club lost 31 of its first 50 games of the season. But Rizzo is not going to point the finger at his sophomore skipper, saying that there is a lot of blame for this difficult start to the match.

"We are not making any decisions with the third of the past season," said Rizzo. "We have a lot of season left. Davey is not happy with what's going on, no one is happy with what's happening – the fans, the owners and myself. Things have to get better. We have to play baseball better.

"Everyone has their share. Management, general manager – everyone has their share of the way we play, just as we have for eight years. This is a team process. There are a lot of things you can do to win and we must definitely turn around and play the best baseball. "

The general manager said the week was uncomfortable for him as the Nationals lost four straight games at Citi Field, the Mets' first Mets sweep of the Mets since the Nats de Montréal came in in 2005. is not just the pen or the absence of a crime that marks the nationals.

Rizzo-Kendrick-Watch-BP-Sidebar.jpg "src =" https://www.masnsports.com/byron-kerr/images/Rizzo-Kendrick-Watch-BP-Sidebar.jpg "width =" 375 "height = "247" class = "mt-image-right" style = "float: right; margin: 0 0 20px 20px; "/>" There are a lot of complaints to make, "said Rizzo. We play badly. Believe me, I am like a lot of fans, a lot of players and the director. It's hard to watch sometimes. But we will certainly not disconnect before the third of the season.</p>
<p>"We are a great league club, we have a great league lineup and we have to play better in baseball. That's all. We are pretty spoiled in this club. We have won a lot of games for many years and we are used to winning. This is not happening at the moment, but we are not going to stop the season less than a third. "</p>
<p>Rizzo spent several minutes on the pitch long before batting training, while the players were preparing to run and stretch, and even well before the right-handed <strong>Aníbal Sánchez</strong> ready to launch a simulated game.</p>
<p>Rizzo had the chance to talk with his ace, <strong>Max Scherzer</strong>. The long discussion took place near the steps of the canoe on the side of the field.</p>
<p>"I take the temperature of almost all players in the team and we openly dialogue. Max is frustrated, like everyone else, "said Rizzo. "Together, we are trying to come up with a plan that helps us improve and get out of the drought we are living in."</p>
<p>One of the main reasons why Nats are in the mess they are facing is the market.</p>
<p>The bullpen failed to fill the seventh and eighth rounds of <strong>Sean Doolittle</strong> in the ninth. <strong>Trevor Rosenthal</strong> and <strong>Kyle Barraclough</strong> have been signed to be an important part of the answer. Rosenthal is still undergoing rehabilitation while he is on the injured list and Barraclough is struggling to stay consistent. So just like when Rizzo found them during the off-season, he tries to find answers right away. <strong>Tanner Rainey</strong> and <strong>Javy Guerra</strong> have been brought. Dan Jennings did not work, was designated for a mission and was finally surrendered to his freedom.</p>
<p>The general manager said it was not just the current relief corps he wanted to improve.</p>
<p>"It's hard to explain," said Rizzo. "Business is here. You look at velocity, movements, and again, your history and past performance. They are simply below current performance. It's something that needs to be improved and we're looking for ways to solve it with all kinds of alternatives – the trade market, the waiver line, and everything to see if we can repair some of the team to fix.</p>
<p>"We, with the office, certainly have to play cleaner baseball games and we did not play well as a group. It is simply unacceptable that this talented group is where we are in the standings and we have our record.</p>
<p>"We certainly have capable players, with their equipment and track record, to pitch in the eighth inning and to be the Doolittle Bridge. They have to live up to these abilities to do it. "</p>
<p>But what about not to swing at a third shot? Or let a ball fly between two fields? Or a sloppy or baserunning defense? All this continued to happen against the Mets, who have won all four games in the last innings.</p>
<p>"Like any other fan, they suffer huge losses, they are demoralizing and they are upsetting," said Rizzo. "We have to put ourselves in a position to win the baseball game. We have to play cleaner games, we have to perform better and we have to live up to the capabilities of this alignment.</p>
<p>"There are a lot of people in this group right here who predict us to win 90.92 games and win the division and the World Series. It was what we expected, and a third in the season, I will certainly not pull the keel and explode. "</p>
<p>Yes, 90 wins or more. It now seems far-fetched for the Nats. But the Nationals have won 90 games or more in four of the last seven seasons. And Rizzo does not hesitate to remind everyone that the Nats do not focus only on 2019, but also on what the club will look like for the next three to five seasons.</p>
<p>"Well, you definitely need to have a plan in place for all eventualities," said Rizzo. "And as I said, we are pretty spoiled here. We have won records, we have been in first place for several years. I think in baseball there are only three teams that have played .500 baseball in the last seven years. So we are certainly aware of the schedule and our position in the rankings, and we still have a plan for one, three and five years in our minds, and that will continue. "</p>
<p>This seems to help the argument that Nationals are still focused on signing a third base player on the future free agent. <strong>Anthony Rendon</strong>. With 31% of the season over, Rizzo is questioning a lot about what he will do on his list if the nationals can not start transforming it.</p>
<p>Some of these same arguments were dealt with with slugger Bryce Harper in his 2018 free agent season, when the Nats struggled to stay with the Braves when the trade deadline came in late month of July.</p>
<p>The Nats have not yet entered in June, but it seems already that the heavy vibration of the countdown this season resonates in their ears.</p>
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