RNC President Ronna McDaniel says she is personally opposed to abortion law in Alabama


Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, speaks at a session at CPAC Feb. 28 in National Harbor, Maryland (Ricky Carioti / The Washington Post).

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said on Friday that she personally opposed the provisions of Alabama's new law banning virtually all abortions, even in cases of rape and sexual assault. Incest, but also defended the various opinions on abortion within his party.

"Personally, I would have exceptions," McDaniel said in an interview on CNN. "It's my personal belief. But we are a party that is a large tent. If you agree with us 80% of the time, I want you to be Republican. We do not have a litmus test to know if you can belong to our party. "

The new anti-abortion law in Alabama, the strictest in the country, has divided the Republicans and put them on the defensive. Republicans had offended Democrats from the extreme because of New York's recent law aimed at expanding access to late abortion – an initiative criticized by McDaniel on Friday.

In addition to not including exceptions in cases of rape or incest, the Alabama law also allows for up to 99 years in prison for doctors performing abortions.

The law will certainly be challenged in federal court, and its supporters hope that this could give the Supreme Court the opportunity to turn the tide. Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion at the national level.

The national document of the GOP platform on abortion contains no exception with regard to rape, incest and mother's life.

Republicans in Washington were largely silent about the law in Alabama when it was passed earlier this week, but have asked questions about it from reporters in recent days.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) Said Thursday that he was opposed to Alabama, saying that this one "goes further than I do." think ".

"I believe in the exceptions for rape, incest and mother's life, and that's what I voted on," McCarthy said at a press conference weekly.

The House minority whip, Steve Scalise (R-La.), Is shown more reserved in his criticism when he spoke to reporters on Friday.

He said he supported an exception for the mother's life but that states were developing their own laws on abortion.

"I was very proud of the fact that when I was in the [state] Legislature, Louisiana has been ranked among the country's most pro-life states, "said Scalise. "It's something I'm proud of. . . . Ultimately, each state must debate this issue and determine what it wants to see in the books, but also what the court allows and how can we lobby to further protect life – recognizing that the courts will sometimes withdraw it. "

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) Is also separate from Alabama lawmakers on the issue, although he has not specifically weighed in the new law.

"Chief McConnell's record has been clear for decades on this issue. He opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother's life, "McConnell spokesman Doug Andres said in a statement released on Thursday.

Asked by reporters in Wisconsin on Alabama law Thursday, Vice President Pence did not provide a direct response.

He stated that "many states of the country embrace life" and said "proud to be part of a pro-life administration". Pence also lamented that states like New York are adopting what he termed "extreme pro-abortion." legislation."

Mike DeBonis and Felicia Sonmez contributed to this report.


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