Rob Schneider denounces COVID-19 vaccines: “Just say no”


Comedian Rob Schneider tweeted a series of statements against receiving the COVID-19 vaccine on Twitter, sharing that the Second Amendment should be used to defend this right.  (Photo: Frazer Harrison / Getty Images)

Comedian Rob Schneider has tweeted a series of statements against receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, sharing that the Second Amendment should be used to defend this right. (Photo: Frazer Harrison / Getty Images)

Rob Schneider does not want his supporters to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and he cites the Second Amendment in his argument.

Saturday, Hot chick The star, 57, took to Twitter for a rant in which he advised his more than 938,000 followers against getting vaccinated after learning that a third vaccine may be needed to maintain its effectiveness.

“Just say no … And keep saying no … More than half of the American population continues to say no to this unapproved experimental gene therapy! ‘My body, my choice!'” Schneider tweeted, concluding his statement with the hashtag “The 2nd Amendment is for this”.

The Second Amendment is spelled out in the United States Constitution as “a well-regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to own and bear arms must not be infringed”.

In a follow-up series tweetsSchneider shared more of his views, saying the government has “had a fear campaign and a two-year foreclosure, destroyed middle-class household incomes, bankrupt countless businesses and now bankrupting. children’s lives in danger ”.

He also shared a Tweeter discuss the “myth that vaccination protects others from the COVID virus”, and another who encouraged people to “come out of the vaccine closet”.

In a closing statement, Schneider shared a screenshot of a statement on bodily integrity and informed choice.

“We should never abandon our liberal principles and our international stance on bodily autonomy, informed free choice and human rights, and support unprecedented coercion exerted on healthcare professionals, patients and patients. people to undergo experimental treatments with limited safety data, ”he added. he read. “This and the policies that go with it are more of a danger to our society than anything we have faced in this past year.”

Schneider’s statements received a massive amount of responses from his followers, including 5,200 retweets, some of whom shared his sentiments. However, many Twitter users found his use of the Second Amendment to be quite unusual.

Despite the outcry, Schneider received some support from Hollywood, including a statement from actress Selma Blair. Blair told TMZ that even though she had received the vaccine, she “agreed” with Schneider’s statements.

“I have immune system issues and do chemo regularly and still did the vaccine twice,” said Blair, who lives with multiple sclerosis.

When asked how she felt as a woman about Schneider’s use of the “my body, my choice” statement to decline the vaccine, Blair said, “I agree with everything. what people say … I don’t care what he says to anyone, ”stating that his son had a“ vaccine injury ”when he was very young. Still, she says “those who may have a responsibility” should get vaccinated.

Schneider is no stranger to making his voice heard during the pandemic. In May he took Twitter to share his disgust at the restrictions that have been put in place to hamper the spread of COVID-19.

Schneider has often criticized “the cancellation of culture,” saying he consciously avoids political commentary in his comedy.

“Twitter is now a screaming game. Twitter has devolved and damaged public discourse. It’s like throwing mud from one side of the fence to the other of the fence,” he said. Paternal. “This culture of cancellation is real and it continues and I don’t want to be a part of it.”

Contrary to Schneider’s statements, a February report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that about 50 percent of individuals experience minor side effects after receiving the vaccine, such as headaches and dizziness, previously had reported Yahoo. The CDC clarified that COVID-19 vaccines “are safe and will save lives.”

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