Robert Pattinson starring in Matt Reeves "The Batman"


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After months of speculation, endless rumors and tense anticipation, Warner Bros. & nbsp; to his new Batman. Actor Robert Pattinson, best known for playing Edward Cullen in the movie dusk movie series, & nbsp; finished & nbsp; negotiations with the studio to take on the role of Caped Crusader in the upcoming project of director Matt Reeves The Batman, according to variety.

Robert Pattinson Featured in the A24 "Great Life"

Source: A24

Variety previously broke the news& nbsp; Pattinson was online for the game, while other outlets – & nbsp;including the Hollywood Reporter& nbsp; – stated that Pattinson was the favorite on a list of contenders including Armie Hammer, Nicholas Hoult and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. The final decision went to Pattinson and Hoult. After screen tests in costume and some final considerations, Pattinson came out victorious. Although & nbsp; Official & nbsp; words & nbsp; from the representatives of Warner or Pattinson confirming the agreement, sources & nbsp; confirm that Pattinson & nbsp; registered as a new Batman.

Pattinson's name has been circulating for nearly four months, from time to time, some outlets claiming to have seen or been informed that his name was on a list of actors considered for the position. A few months ago, when I asked several sources that Pattinson was a candidate, I was informed that it was just fan / press rumors, and that other artists (including Hoult and Taylor-Johnson) were proposed as the best candidates. Similarly, for months, I've constantly heard that Reeves was trying to keep the cast looking for actors aged 25 to 30, and that the cast would probably be in that range.

Robert Pattinson Featured in the A24 "Good Time"

Source: A24

Now, however, it is obvious that these denials were probably a distraction to prevent the truth spreading too early (although it is interesting that the name of Hoult was confirmed as a competitor at that time). Soon, other names appeared in press rumors, fan site speculation and fan conversations about Batman casting, as Pattinson's name reappeared from time to time. I even wonder if & nbsp; some of the other names proposed in recent weeks and months could have been intentional. "leaked" to distract the finalists' attention. This is pure speculation on my part, but it is consistent with the attempts of studios and actors to keep their casting secrets.

Whatever the reason, I was obviously wrong when I reported – again, based on the assurances given by many important sources – & nbsp; Pattinson's name was in the mix, and the people and media who said it was right.

This is not the first time that information about the Batman solo project is leaked and that sources, including the studio, are aggressively denying it. When other people and I started to & nbsp; to obtain information from multiple sources that Ben Affleck was leaving his position as a screenwriter and director The BatmanOther well placed sources assured me that Affleck would go nowhere and the rumors about his departure were false … and several days later his departure was officially announced. Of course, many actors who are ready to play or who already have a cast will deny it completely until the official announcement, including for example the DCEU star Jason Momoa, when he has questioned about rumors that he would be interpreted as Aquaman. Momoa even told MTV & nbsp;Joshua Horowitz said if he was really interpreted as Aquaman, then Horowitz could punch him in the face.

Jason Momoa plays in Warner's "Aquaman"

Source: Warner Bros.

It is obvious that studios sometimes have to lie or avoid investigations to keep their secrets. When secrets relate to potential negotiations, the risk of misinformation, denial or "no comment" increases. It is therefore understandable that sources sometimes mislead and deny factually true or true information.

That said, & nbsp; this obviously means that we are also in a new era of reporting. So I will have to pay more attention to accepting even the most difficult studio denials, and be more willing to spread information about possible casting and story elements. regardless of denials or attempts to block me, because I'm also ready to break a story, but the studios are blocking it long enough that their favorite craft can break the story ahead. It's all part of work and play, and to move forward, we all have to accept the changing realities and react accordingly.

With several bad guys appearing in & nbsp;The Batman – It was said to me months ago that Penguin, Riddler and maybe Catwoman should appear, as well as other rogues and other gangsters – and that additional characters, such as Commissioner Gordon, Alfred and possibly Robin, should let us hear additional information about the cast soon.

Ben Affleck as Batman at Warner "Justice League"

Source: Warner Bros.

The Batman This is not the only DC movie we are hearing about in the coming months. outraged Birds of prey and Wonder Woman 1984, we continue to get & nbsp; information & casting about The suicide brigade as its development progresses. Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney and Joel Kinnaman resume their roles in the first film alongside Idris Elba (who could play the role of Bronze Tiger), alongside Daniela Melchior in Ratcatcher, David Dastmalchian in Polka Dot Man, with King Shark and Peacemaker also online to appear in the team. Another character called (for now) The General (aka The Mayor) is also part of the mix, with Benicio del Toro in discussion for this role. The story is inspired by John Ostrander's "Suicide Team" cartoon writing.

Super Girl Production should begin & nbsp; tentatively in the first quarter of 2020, and I feel that caste information will begin circulating in a few months. Early 2020 – probably in March or April – that's when The Batman is supposed to start spinning too, so now that Pattinson has been chosen, we should start hearing other casting reports.

For fans who are uncertain or downright opposed to Pattinson's cast, I'll remind everyone of the impact of Ben Affleck's first cast as Batman. Everyone likes to pretend to have been supportive at the time, but it's a myth. The truth is that a large number of fans and outlets are enraged or skeptical, and I had to publish articles at that time to explain why the negative reaction was misguided. Affleck of course delivered a fantastic incarnation of the Dark Knight.

Ben Affleck as Batman at Warner "Batman v Superman"

Source: Warner Bros.

Michael Keaton was also considered a shocking and bad casting choice in the 1980s, provoking a huge reaction. But he made an iconic performance as a Batman. The casting of Heath Ledger as a Joker in 2008 The black Knight was ridiculed by fans, too, at the time. The fact is that fan reactions when casting superhero movies are often reactionary, flawed, simplistic and flawed. Those who similarly criticize Pattinson's cast should just be patient and go to see some of his recent independent films, to get a better idea of ​​his acting abilities.

I was a big fan of the Affleck cast and his portrayal of Batman. I regret never having seen him do more with the role, and I feel his work – especially in that of Zack Snyder (awesome (yes, I know that many of you disagree, but I'm right) & nbsp;Batman v Superman – is one of the best superhero live performances of all DC characters. So, Affleck will be missed.

But I can also separate my disillusionment with the way Warner treated the previous DCEU and his treatment of Snyder et al (which I've tackled in previous articles), and the current situation in which Matt Reeves puts his own mastery of the story at a profit. new version of the world of Caped Crusader. Reeves has always been my first absolute choice to take over Batman after leaving Affleck (I started telling it years ago, even though Affleck was always ready to do solo movies on Batman, knowing that one would eventually take over in the future, Affleck was done with everything he wanted to do), and I am sure that & Rebsp & Rebs & nbsp; will produce an iconic movie about Batman. If Pattinson is his choice for Batman, then I trust him.

Check out this space soon & nbsp; for more updates on DCEU and other DC projects, including Wonder Woman 1984, Birds of prey, and much more.

Box Office figures and calculations based on data via & nbsp;Mojo Box Office& nbsp; Rentrakand & nbsp;Numbers.

Follow me on & nbsp;Twitter, on & nbsp;Google+& nbsp;and on & nbsp;Quora. & nbsp; Read my & nbsp;Blog.


After months of speculation, endless rumors and tense anticipation, Warner Bros. to his new Batman. Actor Robert Pattinson, best known for playing Edward Cullen in the movie dusk series of films, finished negotiations with the studio to assume the role of Caped Crusader in the upcoming project of director Matt Reeves The Batman, depending on the variety.

Robert Pattinson in "High-Life" of A24

Source: A24

Pattinson was in the running for the game, while other media – including The Hollywood Reporter – said Pattinson was the favorite on a list of contenders including Armie Hammer, Nicholas Hoult and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. The final decision went to Pattinson and Hoult. After screen tests in costume and some final considerations, Pattinson came out victorious. Although the representatives of Warner or Pattinson do not officially confirm this agreement, sources confirm that Pattinson has engaged as a new Batman.

Pattinson's name has circulated for almost four months, from time to time, some media claiming to have seen or learned that his name was on a list of actors in the study for the role. A few months ago, when I asked several sources that Pattinson was a candidate, I was told that these are just rumors of fans / press. Other artists (including Hoult and Taylor-Johnson) have been nominated as top candidates. Similarly, for months, I've constantly heard that Reeves was trying to keep the search for actors aged 25 to 30 years, and this distribution would probably fall within this range.

Robert Pattinson in "The good time" of A24

Source: A24

Now, however, it is obvious that these denials were probably a distraction to prevent the truth from disclosing too soon (although it is interesting that the name of Hoult was confirmed as a competitor at that time). Soon, other names appeared in press rumors, fan site speculation and fan conversations about Batman's casting, while Pattinson's name reappeared on the spot. I wonder if any of the other names proposed in recent weeks and months could have been intentionally "leaked" to distract the finalists. It's pure speculation on my part, but it's consistent with other attempts by studios and actors to keep casting secrets.

Anyway, I was obviously wrong when I reported – once again, on the basis of assurances given by many important sources – the name of Pattinson was in the composition, and the people and media reporting his name were right.

This is not the first time that information about the Batman solo project is leaked and that sources, including the studio, are aggressively denying it. When I and others started to get information from multiple sources that Ben Affleck was going to leave as screenwriter and director, The BatmanOther well placed sources assured me that Affleck would go nowhere and the rumors about his departure were false … and several days later his departure was officially announced. Of course, many actors who are ready to play or who are already in the cast will deny it completely until the official announcement, including for example the DCEU star Jason Momoa, who was asked about the rumors of his casting in Aquaman. Momoa even told MTV Joshua Horowitz said if he was really interpreted as Aquaman, then Horowitz could punch him in the face.

Jason Momoa plays Warner's "Aquaman"

Source: Warner Bros.

It is obvious that studios sometimes have to lie or avoid investigations to keep their secrets. When secrets relate to potential negotiations, the potential for misinformation, denial or "no comment" increases. It is therefore understandable that sources sometimes mislead and deny factually true or true information.

That said, it obviously means that we are also in a new era of reporting. So we will have to be more cautious about accepting even the most difficult studio denials, and be more willing to spread the information I hear about the possible cast and story elements, regardless reality. denials or attempts to slow me down (since I'm also ready to break a story, but the studios remain stuck long enough for their favorite job to make a difference before me). It's all part of work and play, and to move forward, we all have to accept the changing realities and react accordingly.

With several bad guys appearing in The Batman – It was said to me months ago that Penguin, Riddler and perhaps Catwoman should appear, as well as other crooks and gangsters – and other characters, including Commissioner Gordon, Alfred and potentially Robin, we should soon hear additional information about the cast.

Ben Affleck as Batman in Warner's Justice League

Source: Warner Bros.

The Batman This is not the only DC movie we are hearing about in the coming months. outraged Birds of prey and Wonder Woman 1984, we continue to get information about the casting The suicide brigade as its development progresses. Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney and Joel Kinnaman resume their roles in the first film alongside Idris Elba (who could have played Bronze Tiger), alongside Daniela Melchior in Ratcatcher, David Dastmalchian in Polka-Dot Man, with King Shark and Peacemaker also online to appear in the team. Another character called (for now) The General (aka The Mayor) is also part of the mix, with Benicio del Toro in discussion for this role. The story is inspired by the cartoon "Suicide Squad" by John Ostrander.

Super Girl Production is expected to come into production in the first quarter of 2020, and I expect the distribution information to start circulating in a few months. Early 2020 – probably in March or April – that's when The Batman is supposed to start spinning too, so now that Pattinson has been chosen, we should start hearing other casting reports.

For fans who are uncertain or downright opposed to Pattinson's cast, I'll remind everyone of the impact of Ben Affleck's first cast as Batman. Everyone likes to pretend to have been supportive at the time, but it's a myth. The truth is that a large number of fans and outlets are enraged or skeptical, and I had to publish articles at that time to explain why the negative reaction was misguided. Affleck of course delivered a fantastic incarnation of the Dark Knight.

Ben Affleck as Batman in Warner's "Batman v Superman"

Source: Warner Bros.

Michael Keaton was also considered a shocking and bad casting choice in the 1980s, provoking a huge reaction. But he made an iconic performance as a Batman. The casting of Heath Ledger as a Joker in 2008 The black Knight was ridiculed by fans, too, at the time. The fact is that fan reactions when casting superhero movies are often reactionary, flawed, simplistic and flawed. Those who similarly criticize Pattinson's cast should just be patient and go to see some of his recent independent films, to get a better idea of ​​his acting abilities.

I was a big fan of the Affleck cast and his portrayal of Batman. I regret that we have never been able to see him doing more with the role and I feel his work – especially in Zack Snyder's work (great (yes, I know that many of you disagree, but I'm right). Batman v Superman – is one of the best superhero live performances of all DC characters. So, Affleck will be missed.

But I can also separate my disillusionment with the way Warner treated the previous DCEU and his treatment of Snyder et al (which I've tackled in previous articles), and the current situation in which Matt Reeves brings his own mastery of the story to a new version of the world of Crusader Caped. Reeves has always been my first absolute choice to take over Batman after leaving Affleck (I started telling it years ago, even though Affleck was always ready to do solo movies on Batman, knowing that one would eventually take over in the future, and Affleck was done with everything he wanted to do, and I'm sure Reeves will deliver an iconic Batman movie. for Batman, so I trust him.

Check this space soon for more updates on the DCEU and other DC projects, including Wonder Woman 1984, Birds of prey, and much more.

Counts and numbers of counters based on data from Box Office Mojo, Rentrak and TheNumbers.

Follow me on Twitter, on Google+, and on Quora. Read my blog.


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