Rod Rosenstein calls James Comey a "fan expert"


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By Pete Williams

WASHINGTON – In remarks prepared to be delivered Monday night, former Deputy Attorney General Ros Rosenstein called James Comey a "partisan fan" and criticized him for his recent remarks about Rosenstein.

In an editorial last week in the New York Times, Comey asked how after the publication of the Mueller report, Rosenstein could give a speech citing President Trump on the rule of law and congratulate the president in his resignation letter. Comey concluded that Trump "eat your soul in small bites".

In an address to the Greater Baltimore Committee Monday night, Rosenstein said Comey was now "a political party expert, selling books and earning speech fees while speculating on the strength of my character and the fate of my life. immortal soul.It is disappointing.About souls is not a police work and prosecutors.In general, we base our opinions on eyewitness testimony. "

Rosenstein also defended the memo he had written, which had been cited by Trump to support the dismissal of Comey. Referring to the final stages of Clinton's e-mail inquiry, the former FBI director had said: "Some light lines should never be crossed."

Repeating many of the remarks that he made in the memo, Rosenstein said: "The most obvious mistake was the director's decision to hold a press conference on an open case. , to disclose his recommendation and discuss the details of the investigation, without the consent of the attorneys and Attorney General, and then sent a letter to Congress the day before the vote stating that one of the candidates was being a criminal investigation and expected it to be made immediately public, and these actions were not within the scope of the reasonable decisions. "

Rosenstein's last day as Deputy Attorney General was May 11th. The Senate will likely vote on the appointment of Jeffrey Rosen later this week to assume this role.


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