Roger Stone publishes an image on Instagram of the federal judge next to the line of sight


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By Doha Madani, Tom Winter and Anna Schecter

Roger Stone's Instagram account posted and then removed a message showing a photo of the federal judge overseeing his file and including a reticle image, often used to designate a target.

The image of US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson was posted on Stone's Instagram account, a former campaign advisor to President Donald Trump, with a message that appeared to be a call for fundraising to cover the costs of his legal defense.

The pole was in place for about an hour before being removed.

Stone later posted a statement on Instagram saying the picture had been "misinterpreted".

"It was a random photo on the Internet," Stone writes. "Any inference that this was supposed to threaten in one way or another the disrespectful judge or court is categorically wrong."

Stone has been charged with lying, manipulating witnesses and obstruction, and Berman, a federal judge in Washington, who oversees the case, issued a gag order on Friday prohibiting lawyers, prosecutors and prosecutors. witnesses to speak publicly about the case. .

The initial posting on Instagram on Stone's account Monday criticized Jackson as a judge appointed by Obama.

"Thanks to the judicial hoax, Deep State's killer, Robert Mueller, has ensured that my next trial would take place before judge Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama-appointed judge who rejected Benghazi's accusations again of Hillary Clinton and incarcerated Paul Manafort before his conviction for any crime, "said the subtitle said.

"Help me fight for my life," he wrote, adding a link to a website.

The picture of Jackson in the post has already circulated on blogs right. He shows Jackson with a cross-shaped image in the corner of the image. The symbol is often used to represent a target.

Before the post was removed, it sparked a reaction on social media.


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