Roky Erickson, rest in peace


Roky Erickson at Rough Trade USA
Roky Erickson at Rough Trade (more by Greg Cristman)

Very sad news: the icon Psych Rock and the leader of the lifts of the 13th floor Roky Erickson died at the age of 71. Austin 360 wrote that Austin musician, Jon Dee Graham, had written in a public message on Facebook, "SO LONG, ROKY. TEAR. I'll miss you, baby, "he added in the comments," A family member just told me that he's dead. No details. " Variety confirmed the information: Roky's brother, Mikel, told Bill Bentley who produced the 1990 tribute Where the pyramid meets the eye. "Roky lived in so many worlds, you could not follow him," said Bentley Variety. "He has lived so much and not always on this planet."

The elevators on the 13th floor Easter everywhere We came in 17th place on our list of the 50 best albums of Summer of Love and we wrote: "As for psychedelic music, there is Johnny Come Latelies, boasters and thieves scenes, and there at The 13th Floor Elevators. "You can hear Roky's influence in everyday music – look no further than the programming of the levitation festival in Austin, which owes its name to a song of lifts. Roky was still active in music, having played New York on Halloween in New York, and he had to play at the 13th Floor Elevators' Easter everywhere in full in Jersey City before performing at the Huichica East Festival.

Rest in peace, Roky. We will miss you.

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