Romance in real life, to throw hypotheses and problems to draw a penis: 20 secrets of 10 things that I hate for you


The setting is idyllic and brilliant and one boy pays for another to take a girl to whom they all say horrible things because she walks to the rhythm of her own drum, during a date of love. But Kat, who is looking for a guitar and deplores the lack of feminist writers on the program, is the queen of the awake return ("I guess in this society, to be a man and a hole makes worthy of our time") and everything holds the shot.

As history is 400 years old, since translated from the original misogyny.

But 10 things I hate about you would not be so visible – and rewritable – if the cast was not flawless. Julia Stiles and Larisa Oleynik to play the sisters. Susan May Pratt and Gabrielle Union are the best friends. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is the darling, David Krumholtz is the nerd, Andrew Keegan is the shake and, forever in our hearts, Australian newcomer Heath Ledgeris the mean bad boy who falls helplessly intelligent, suspicious and delighted stormy girl that he hired for romance. (Without speaking about, Allison Janney is the guidance counselor who writes an erotic novel on the side, and Daryl Mitchell is the English teacher who looks up at the misfortunes of the privileged people of the suburbs.)

It's a lot of noise for all and it came out 20 years ago today, featuring more than a number of star performances and unveiling its bunch of behind the scenes secrets.

10 things I hate about you, Julia Stiles, Heath Ledger

Buena Vista Pictures / Entertainment Photos /

While Kat and Patrick fell in love with each other on the screen, Julia Stiles and Heather Ledger became, according to some of their co-stars in the DVD commentary, an off-screen item , the only thing that can make the romance of a movie of choice even betterAs with star crossbred couples Notebook or dusk.

Plus, Heath was Julia's first kiss on the screen.

"He was so kind, he was such a force, he was – even at this age – a very, very powerful and charming human being," she remembered her last We weekly in 2014, qualifying the work experience with him as "incredible".

By opening up a little more Australian ABC in 2016, Stiles said: "Heath and I did not stay in touch after the end of the shoot, but when I heard of his death, I had I was incredibly sad, I was very shocked, such a dynamic person, at the really exciting time of his life. "

10 things I hate about you, Karen McCullah Lutz, Kirsten Smith

Kevin Winter / Getty Images

The scenario was the work of movie scribes for the first time Kirsten Smith and Karen McCullah Lutz, who then wrote The revenge of a blonde, Ella, delighted, She is the man, The sad truth and The rabbit house.

"We knew we wanted to write a teen movie and when No idea came out, we thought Amy Heckerling was a genius to compete in a classic[[[[Jane Austenof Emma]So we decided to try that too, "McCullah told Script Lab in 2015." We chose Control of the shrew and we determined what lines of history we wanted to keep and update and how we went there, and then we presented all the characters and the story while we were sitting on a beach in Mexico. "

They were long-distance writing partners and sent pages back and forth via the Airborne express mail service.

It's easy to see where Kat, the autonomist, got his spirit from modern times – and the entire movie had its fresh, witty and intelligent vibe.

McCullah described their work at BuzzFeed News as "badass and full of joy."

"I think our legacy is just those fearless and funny female characters who are kind of radical by their confidence," Smith said. "They change the world even though they do not really know that they are doing it."

"We received a note saying," Why is she so angry? "Remembered Smith," McCullah added, "they did not understand that sometimes, as a teenager, you're just mad at all the bulls – you have to endure it."

10 things I hate about you

Moviestore / Shutterstock Collection

McCullah and Smith, learning that Disney's Touchstone wanted to create a love story for teens, stats, ran to complete their rewrite in order to beat, with a bit of luck, the other script purchased by the studio, called School slut.

In a way, this one has not been manufactured. By Disney.

The title of the winner 10 things I hate about you, meanwhile, was inspired by a real list made by McCullah about a high school boyfriend.

"The title is based on a journal entry I made in high school," she said in a discussion with UCTV. "I often had a bad guy named Anthony.I drew up a list titled Things I hate about Anthony.When Kirsten and I decided to write this, I 'm not sure. I flipped through all of my high school journals to dispel the scary memories, and when I told her about this list, she told me: "This is our title". "

In addition, "Anthony is very proud of this fact," added McCullah. "We are still friends today, and from time to time I get a random phone call in the middle of the night:" My nephew does not believe this title speaks of me. Tell him. "On the phone, I thought," Yes, I hated Anthony in high school. "

Josh Hartnett, Ashton Kutcher, Katie Holmes, Kate Hudson, Eliza Dushku, 10 things I hate about you

Getty Images

"We've seen hundreds and hundreds of actors," recalls producer Andrew Lazar, "but in the middle of the process we came across an amazing girl, who was perfect for the lead role, Julia Stiles. the perfect guy to play in front of her ".

It's impossible to imagine this film with anyone else in the lead roles, but think for a moment: Larisa Oleynik, perhaps the biggest star of the band thanks to her fame of Nickelodeon The secret world of Alex Mac, wanted to play Kat. And this spawned the rumor, denied since then, that Julie Stiles was interested in the role of Bianca.


And at one point, it might not have been Stiles – or Ledger – at all in the essential roles of Kat and Patrick. Josh Hartnett and Ashton Kutcher were vying for Patrick and Hartnett tested on screen with Eliza Dushku, in turn as Faith Buffy against the vampires.

"They were all great," said producer Andrew Lazar about the three potential roles of men, noting that they had seen "hundreds and hundreds of actors" before reducing the many of their roles to that of Stiles.

"But Julia and Heath just had the best chemistry together," recalls casting director Marcia Ross. The New York Times in 2019 for an oral story about the film. "I liked it Katie Holmes. She was about to get Dawson's Creekand we had to make a decision very quickly. The other person I loved was Kate Hudson. But his mother did not like the scenario for her, so she succeeded. "

Well, do not all those the names seem familiar. The school always signals to Hartnett, who was the BMOC of The Virgin Suicidesand Dushku, whom we salute to date The bring on. And fortunately, Goldie Hawn saw the promise Almost known, for which Hudson won an Oscar nomination.

10 things I hate about you, Julia Stiles, Larisa Oleynik

Buena Vista Pictures / Entertainment Photos /

"I auditioned for Kat and Bianca until the end, and I really wanted Kat," said Oleynik at New York Times. "I think I was so obsessed with the desire to prove to them that it's who I am, that when I'd get to Bianca's thing, I'd be like," Oh, yes, of course , no matter. "And I'm sure that's why it worked, because I was super relaxed about it."

And no wonder Oleynik thought she was right for Kat. In reality, it is she who then attended the dreams school of Stratford's older sister, Sarah Lawrence College, in New York.

"The college was the best decision I made," she said. Girls' lives in 2006. "I knew I wanted to go to school and I wanted to go for four years and in New York. [classes] were the writing workshops. I have taken poetry classes and playwrights and scriptwriting classes. They were very comforting and productive. Everyone was respectful of each other. Nobody claimed to know everything. "

As for Stiles, she said Weekly entertainmentI was desperate for the role. It was so refreshing to see a teenager who was so brave. I thought the writers had a good dose of cynicism with their humor that we do not always find in romantic teen comedies.

"I was an audition actor and I went out mostly for commercials and they told me that I was not bubbly enough.They always thought I was angry to read a Part like Kat, I was like: "Ah, it's perfect for me!"

10 things I hate about you, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, David Krumholtz

Richard Cartwright / Touchstone / Kobal / Shutterstock

It turns out that Joseph Gordon-Levitt and David Krumholtz also wanted roles!

"I wanted to play Cameron, but I had worked with Gil on several television projects, and he knew that I could do Michael during my sleep, in the sense that you play as a neurotic Jewish child," Krumholtz said. New York Times. "I know Joe wanted to play Michael."

Gordon-Levitt said: "I've auditioned for both Krumholtz and myself because I thought [that role] was funny. then [Gil] wanted me to play Cameron. "

10 things I hate about you, Heath Ledger

Touchstone / Kobal / Shutterstock

"He needed to be masculine without trying to be masculine, he needed to be smart, he needed to be kidnapped, he needed an incredible charm" , said the director Gil Junger recalled in an interview included in the supplements of the 10th anniversary DVD regarding specific requirements from Patrick Verona. "A complicated role, a very complicated role, and we had read a ridiculous amount of guys."

Enter Australian actor Heath Ledger, who was yet to be in an American film, and anyone who watched his audition thought "movie star". Http:// "It was just magnetic," said Karen McCullah.

Ledger said he aspired the most to play Hamlet, but Petruchio was close by. The Taming of the Shrew"And that's the closest thing I've had to play Petruchio so far," he said, smirking.

In another interview, the 18-year-old explained: "I'm using fragments of the portrait of Richard Burton, who is perhaps the best known. The Taming of the Shrew movie, but my Patrick also has an advantage of Jack Nicholson with his boldness and smiles. "

It's still unclear how Ledger might look remotely at the kind of guy who would eat a live duck, as one of the rumors about Patrick argues, but the actor himself was just as much a mystery when he finally arrived on the set one week after the shoot, fresh from the Australian television series swords-and-sandals Roar.

"We had only heard producers tell with a contagious smile the disarming charisma of a handsome Australian from Perth," wrote David Krumholtz in an article for Vulture in 2015. "We had all forged such strong ties … We we are worried about how a person named Heath could possibly find his place in our inner circle. "Soon, they realized that" the band, with Heath, was just getting stronger ".

10 things I hate about you, Gabrielle Union, Larisa Oleynik

Buena Vista Pictures / Entertainment Photos /

At 27, Gabrielle Union almost ten years older than the actors who played their peers in the film – but, like everyone who saw Bring it on in 2000, age was (and still is, in fact), but a figure for a decidedly young actress.

"I was more than 10 years older than my younger cast members, some of whom were still in high school," Union said. Time. "So, it was a bit like, how close is it to my high school years? Do I have to look crazy playing at 15? Do not talk about Earth Wind & Fire or give your age. "

10 things I hate about you, Stadium High School

Wikimedia Commons

Padua High is actually the High School Stadium in Tacoma, Washington, a public school overlooking Commencement Bay, which was originally an elegant hotel, from which the bones of one French castle.

Construction began in 1891. The panic of 1893 sent investors rushing and the unfinished building was used as a storage place until a fire ravaged the structure in 1898. The school district Tacoma bought the hull in 1904, the renowned architect Frederick Heath completed the school was open to apprenticeship in 1906.

The 15,000 seat Stadium Bowl where Patrick made his song and dance is shared by Stadium and Woodrow Wilson High School.

Third stone of the sun, Larisa Oleynik, Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Chris Haston / NBC / NBCU Photo Bank

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Larisa Oleynik also played in a teenage couple 3rd rock of the sunwhich allowed JGL to fill the celebrity gap between a child and a teenager, and he never looked back.

"If I'm really honest, I did not want to do a romantic comedy in high school," admitted Gordon-Levitt at Time. "I wanted to do Sundance movies, I'm very lucky that five years later I'm doing it.The truth is that I was a naive or a 17-year-old idiot."

10 things I hate about you, Andrew Keegan, David Krumholtz

Pictures of Touchstone

David Krumholtz had to give some advice to Andrew Keegan when it became clear that Keegan had come out of his artistic element, drawing a penis on Krumholtz's face, when Mike asked Joey to launch the big idea.

"I remember having to teach Andrew Keegan how to draw a good dick on my face," Krumholtz reminded Huffington Post in 2014. "What was a little strange to do?" He was nervous; says "I shoot a lot" Start with the head, do the stick, go to the balls, make sure to put the hair on the balls, it's a nice cock, it's a hairy one It's halfway there. "

10 things I hate about you, Andrew Keegan, David Krumholtz

Pictures of Touchstone

Catch up with New York Time In 2019, Keegan nodded. "Quite frankly, I did not know how to draw a dick on someone's face, and I think David was the one who creatively helped with that."

The actor became founder of Full Circle, a spiritual and wellness center located in Venice, California, concluded: "I've heard about this scene for my entire adult life, so i think i did a very good job. "

"You know, people still say, 'I have a dick on my face, is not it?', Added Krumholtz. "And I have to be like that, you've got me … it's haunted for the rest of my life – it's wonderful."

10 things I hate about you, Julia Stiles, Heath Ledger

Touchstone / Kobal / Shutterstock

"I remember 10 things, seeing Kat's room for the first time and looking like, No, why the room looks like that? I was upset by the music, because I had envisioned a lot more of a hard line soundtrack, "Smith said," I was certain that these things were going to flow all over the place. " Atmosphere, but obviously I was wrong, and it turned out that awesome. Part of it is growing as an artist and writer. You can cling to the idea of ​​what should be something, but the beauty of the collaboration lies in the fact that a new approach could make it the best version possible. "

Another big problem: Kat and Bianca's mother was initially present, but she was turned into an absent mother who rose to leave a little more context to Kat's perpetual defensive state.

10 things I hate about you, Julia Stiles

Pictures of Touchstone

Stiles drunk dance at the top of a table of "Hypnotize" by Notorious B.I.G. at the party at home would have earned her the role of a ballet dancer with the aspirations of Juilliard Save the last dance.

Junger told the Time that he thought to have his girlfriend Paula Abdul come to choreograph the scene, but Stiles volunteered to find out.

"I would never have the guts to do it now," Stiles said. "I'm happy that someone filmed it – I mean I like to dance, but in a provocative way on the table?" I was quite unholy at that moment I've also heard that it's what's been worth my share. Save the last dance. The director told me that he had seen this scene, then he understood that I could do hip-hop, not just ballet. "

90s movies, 10 things I hate for you

Pictures of Touchstone

The film was shot entirely in the Seattle-Tacoma area, from the opening credits – an aerial view of Kerry Park and Queen Anne Hill – to the 5-bedroom Stratford family Victorian house located on 28th Street North, sold $ 1.54 million in the spring of 2018, in Lake Union, where Kat and Patrick paddle.

Heath Ledger, 10 things I hate about you

Pictures of Touchstone

The script originally called for Patrick to court Kat with "I think I like you" from the Partridge family. Then it's the Divinyles "" I'm touching myself. "But Ledger insists on Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons" "I can not take my eyes Off You" for the great musical number in which Patrick serenade Kat with the help of the school fanfare – and took creative control of the scene instantly classic.

"He was so specific about what he wanted to wear, he had to act from this type of dark shirt to the perfect cut," Smith told Broadly. in 2017. "Oddly enough, it's sort of an indefinable set when you watch the movie, but seeing it as a costume architect as part of its preparation was so impressive, especially because it does not make any sense. was only 19 years old. "

(It is not known whether Jerry McConnell will serenade Neve Campbell with "I think I like you" in Scream 2 in 1997 and Austin Powers having already conquered the fembots of "I touch myself", also in 1997 – and the fact that Kat never would have gone for it – had something to do with the changes.)

10 things I hate about you, Julia Stiles

Pictures of Touchstone

Stiles nailed his emotional reading of his poem in a take, unplanned tears coming naturally.

"They were not intentional," said the actress Cosmopolitan UK in 2015. "At one level, I knew that I was supposed to be somewhat emotional, because when we read the table, I remember that I just m said the poem, and I could have recited the phone book ".

In the moment, "I never thought I was going to start crying, I do not know why I did it, whether it had anything to do with it at the time or that I'm just overwhelmed by all the experience of my first big movie. "

There is a bit of discord with regard to the moment that unites the film and the title, but, to be fair, "14 things I hate from you" do not have the same sound.

Meanwhile, without further explanation, Stiles said to the Time that her reaction was probably a combination of joy and sadness that the filming was almost finished, but she also acknowledged being "just in a very wild place".

"I remember Heath," she says, "when they turned to make his reaction, he said something like," I have nothing to do because it's not about of me. "Often, one actor is crying in one scene and the other feels crying, and he knew he had to be held in. I thought it was really cool."


Letters to Cleo

Pam Berry / The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Letters to Cleo-The group that played the club, the prom (Kay Hanley and Michael Eisenstein performed "Cruel to Be Kind" with Save Ferris) and closed the film covering "I want you to please me" on the roof of Padua High. official house group of 10 things I hate about you, adding a significant share of mainstream fame to their impressive indie rock credentials. They separated in 2000, but later met for a meeting tour and the EP. Back to Nebraska in 2016.

And yes, it was really them – singer Hanley, guitarists Eisenstein and Greg McKenna, bassist Scott Riebling and drummer Jason Sutter – on the roof.

"We are all arranged above this post-stamp size roof with chicken wire, the only thing that keeps us from flipping back into the Puget Sound," Hanley, who then gave the voice sung by Rachael Leigh Cook Josie and the Pussycats, said the New York Times. "The music starts to play [and] we start pretending to be in a music video. We hear the whistling of a helicopter just above us, then it bombarded us in dive. We made two shots, and it was almost assumed that this plan would not work, and Gil would never work in Hollywood again because he had just spent half a million dollars realizing this plan that it was forbidden to do. And it ended up being a pretty iconic scene. "

10 things I hate for you, Ethan Peck, Lindsey Shaw

ABC FAMILY / Randy Holmes

Most television adaptations of blockbuster movies do not work, and short sitcom 2009-2010 10 things I hate about you on ABC Family (now Freeform) was no exception – but not because it was not good. It's just that the movie was so well.

"The film has such cult status that it seems almost sacrilegious to touch it for television, but as a series 10 things it's not terrible it's even sometimes fun. It's just not very inventive, "writes the New York Times& # 39; Alessandra Stanley in his criticism at the time.

Lindsey Shaw and Ethan Peck (grandson of Gregory) valiantly played Kat and Patrick, while Meaghan Martin and Nicholas Baum played in the roles of Bianca and Cameron. But the comparisons were inevitable and an audience more nostalgic of the original than anything else was interested in it.

Still, he had his devoted fans and lasted 20 episodes, and before the last 10 airing aired in the spring of 2010, Shaw told Pop Sugar: "Obviously, you come from a remake, you have a lot of things Nobody wants to see a remake because it's everyone's favorite movie, but we've come to that and we wanted to create something different and entertaining, and I think that's a good thing. we did. "

Peck added that his more difficult role was not only to embody a beloved character, but also one of a deceased actor, "I think the pressure really came only from within, speaking for ABC Family and for the TV show, because we knew we were not trying to replace anything or anything, we all went there seriously and with a big open heart and mind and I think that's why we are where we are today. "

After being canceled, series creator Carter Covington told, "I was telling someone that it looked like a breakup, it looks like you've been dumped by that person and you're say, "Wait a second. But we had such a Why would you dump me? "

    10 things I hate about life (2014), Evan Rachel Wood, Tom McDonnell

10 things movies

There was a brief discussion of one 11 things I hate about you following, but tonal tracking also called 10 things I hate about life started in 2012. He played Evan Rachel Wood and Thomas McDonnell as related spirits who meet when they both try to commit suicide – and that never happened.

But director Gil Junger, who had resumed his training with producer Andrew Lazar, did everything possible. "We were open, we wanted to have a fresh and young cast," said Lanz at Vumanity, "but it turns out that when we started dating girls, Evan Rachel Wood – a bit like Julia Stiles has do – the other actors in terms of the talent, depth and emotion we have chosen. "

After six screen tests to pair Wood with the good guy, "we ended up with someone extraordinary." Lazar called the chemistry between McDonnell and Wood "electric". They also had Skylar Gray in the role of Letters to Cleo as a cool and live musical presence.

Production was however halted in February 2013 when the CEO of Intandem, the UK-based company that finances the film, resigned.

Also at that time, Wood was pregnant with his son, born in July; The new CEO of Intandem said the production had been delayed because of her pregnancy but would resume in September. Instead, in June 2014, 10 Things Films sued Wood for breach of contract and $ 30 million, claiming that she had received $ 300,000, and then "apparently changed her mind about it." desire to finish the film during the main shoot, ultimately refusing without any legal justification to perform contractual obligations and opting instead for the abandonment of the project ".

A Wood representative described it as "ridiculous", saying that Wood was ready to return to work in November 2013, when the producers promised to do it, but that "they still could not get their hands on" .

Heath Ledger

Anthony Harvey / Getty Images

Not surprisingly, every person involved in 10 things I hate about you (plus a billion others) would like Ledger to be here to take stock of the film's 20th anniversary. Hell, he was tragically not there for the 10th birthday, died in 2008 from an accidental prescription drug overdose.

"I loved Heath," said Krumholtz at Time. "As we get older, and as the film becomes important to new audiences, it is increasingly difficult to understand the idea that Heath conveyed the method that he adopted. I would have liked it to be part of this article., To feel appreciated for his work in the film, as he worked very hard on 10 things I hate about you. "

In memory of Gabrielle Union, "Heath had the ability to look at you, and you felt like Princess Diana.In a densely populated Hollywood landscape, he could make you feel special and seen.This is a pretty special gift, and I do not think it's spoken enough. "


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