49 years since moonlighting. Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, the first to walk on the moon


July 24, 49 years since moonlighting, The first man to walk on the moon was the American astronaut Neil Armstrong, a former military pilot who was then commander of the Apollo 11 space mission. The spacecraft has was launched on the Moon on July 16 and four days. later, the three astronauts on board arrived on Earth's natural satellite.

Only two of the astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin walked on the moon, the latter being famous because he was the first man to make a selfie on Earth's natural satellite. It's been 49 years since the landing, and this historic moment has been intensely debated, and many controversies have arisen.

49 years after the landing

Niel Armstrong confused the famous replica that I've heard a lot of movies. "A small step for man, a giant step for humanity" is not the exact phrase that the Captain of the Apollo 11 mission said while landing on the Moon. The American should have said in the first part "A small step for a man", but fortunately the removal of the word "one" gave birth to one of the most memorable representatives of history of humanity

Apolo 11 is the name of the first mission. what man walked on the surface of the moon. It is also the fifth mission with a human crew from the Apollo program, led by NASA, and the third that places people on lunar orbit. Each of the members of Apollo 11 had an active flight in space. Thousands of people attended the launch of the mission, and many millions watched this event in front of the small screens. US President Richard Nixon then chased the Apollo 1 mission from the oval office of the White House, according to wikipedia.org .

There were landing problems. The astronauts were about to land in the wrong place

Apollo 11

Five minutes after the start of the descent, the computer navigation and guidance module monthly attracted attention of the crew with two unexpected alarms followed by 1202 and 1201 . At the Mission Control Center in Houston, Texas, Computer Engineer Jack Garman told Flight Controller Steve Bales that everything was safe to continue the descent. The program's alarms indicated "administrative overflows", which meant that the computer was not able to perform all the tasks in real time and had to postpone them.

On July 20, 1969, eagle (Eagle) separated from control module Columbia . Collins, who was alone on board Columbia inspected Eagle in a pirouette to ensure that the aircraft was unaffected during the trip. Apollo 11 made less fuel on board than other missions. The astronauts were faced with an early warning of the amount of fuel. It was later discovered that this alarm was triggered by the fact that the monthly gravity attraction allowed for greater "grease" of fuel that had not covered a fuel sensor. In the following missions, the necessary measures were taken to prevent this phenomenon.

When Armstrong looked out, he realized that the computer had failed to the point of moaning, which was actually a rock-covered area, northeast of a crater 400 meters in diameter. At that moment, the captain of the space mission resumed semi-automatic control and with Aldrin's help dictating information on altitude and speed, they landed on July 20, 1969 at 20:17 UT (23:17 TLR) when they were about 25 (19659003) The Theory of Conspiracy Around the 1969 Landing – A Big Lie

Some consider ashenification as the great joke of the 20th century. This idea is not new. Only a few years after the event, the popularity of this idea was surpassed only by the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy and the mystery of Area 51. The conspiracy theorists said since the early 1970s that NASA's explanations were desirable. One in five Americans is convinced today that it was only a joke and that Apollo 11 was headed to a secret studio in Nevada.

Those who believe in this theory take into account the geopolitical context of the time. The United States had lost the race to space. and the Soviet Union seemed to be leading detachments in all regions. The first space capsule sent out of the atmosphere, the first animal in space, the first man and the first crew of three to reach the Earth's orbit, and the first unmanned module to reach the natural satellite of the Earth. These, say the conspirators, are sufficient reasons for the United States to orchestrate the greatest farce of the 20th century. The missing price in the Soviet Union was taken by the Americans. Many voices say that the technology of the American state had to carry a human crew on the moon.

Images on the Moon

One of the often used arguments is the lack of stars in these images offered by NASA. The space appears on the pictures as a big black background. How could this be possible, especially since the moon does not have an atmosphere that obscures the visibility of the stars? However, it is hard to believe that a potential director would have forgotten to put the stars. The objectors argue that the position of the stars observed on Earth would have betrayed the true position of the astronauts.

The arguments of those who do not believe that the first ceremony of 1966 took place could fill entire volumes. The lack of a technology capable of traveling on the moon, the lack of concrete evidence, the fragility of the image module, the mysterious disappearance of part of the Apollo 11 project and the refusal NASA to offer more images are just a few reasons suspicions. However, the arguments put forward by the conspirators could never go further, in the absence of evidence. For many, the 1966 ashenization is a historic moment for humanity, for others, it is still a mystery.


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