5 loud body noises that can detect hidden diseases


1. Cough in the ears

This may sound like an angry buzz or a fast whistling sound that usually goes on its own. But it can also hide anemia or even indicate, in more serious cases, a brain tumor or aneurysm. It can also be an adverse reaction to treatment with certain drugs, such as aspirin, certain types of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory or cytostatic drugs

When itching accompanied by nausea or vomiting, the doctor should be consulted urgently. And the accumulated wax over time in the ears can be the cause of this noise. Hyperthyroidism, diabetes or Lyme disease are disorders that can also cause disturbing sounds in the ears

Another cause of tingling may also be high blood pressure, when the blood vessels in this region are affected. Otitis or other infections and allergies can also cause moderate intensity.

[196590010] 2. Wheezing

Triggered by narrowing or partial obstruction of the airways, wheezing may be caused by an allergen or a sign of asthma. Smoking, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastroesophageal reflux, or even heart failure may be among the factors that contribute to a strong breathing or dyspnea, as it is called in medical terms

If symptoms persist, go to check. The doctor will show an X-ray to detect any lung problems and spirometry to monitor lung function.

If you suspect that breathing is hindered by an allergen, try to remove the possible source that irritates the airways. And deep breathing, practiced for a few minutes, is sometimes beneficial to reduce respiratory discomfort

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