7 Conspiracy theories (extremely funny) about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are and will be for a long time the subject of the favorite discussion of people around the world. Whether it's Meghan Markle's clothing choices, Prince Harry's reactions to children or just their existence, people can not get enough of it to debate the subject. But there is a category of people passionate about conspiracy theories and the reason why I've put together for you 7 of the funniest conspiracy theories about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

The 7 Theories The Most funny conspiracy on Meghan Markle and Prince of Harry

Meghan Markle is a robot

This theory exploded in June after a video with Meghan Markle appeared in the audience of Britain & # 39; s Got Talent and applauding with Prince Harry without He moves his face, his eyes or his lips. It seems that the video was in fact only a new one intended to promote Madame Tussauds' show in London, and Meghan Markle was actually another person wearing a mask with her face 'robotic' ". It's not that we need to mention that, but Meghan is a living human being.

The relationship between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is just a conspiracy against the United States

A Twitter message on the day in Markle and Prince Harry have engaged passionate discussions on the Internet. Greg Pollowitz, publisher twitchy.com arrived with the theory that Meghan's US citizenship status will give his children the right to run for president of the United States and be in the United States. Order of succession to the United Kingdom throne.

"The British are playing dangerously, I want America back and here's how they're going to get it," wrote Pollowitz. This triggered a long series of assumptions that Meghan would actually be in a political game of England to recover America, which is obviously an absurdity.

Love Actually predicted the relationship between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

The similarities between Markle and Prince Harry with characters from the movie " Love Actually ", Sam and Joanna are as scary as possible. In addition to the physical similarities between them, the theory goes even further. First of all, the character of the film, Sam, suffers from the loss of his mother at an early age, as, as we know, Prince Harry lived in 1997. Second, Sam falls in love with Joanna, a Young American woman on the other side of the ocean, which certainly implies how Prince Harry met Meghan Markle.

Kris Jenner plans to divert the attention of the royal wedding

The theory is born with the publication of Jax Taylor on Twitter: "The Kardashian family must be so bothered by the fact that RoyalWedding eclipses that I'm not not surprised if Chris was trying to do everything for her and her family in the days to come. "What could have supported this theory? The fact that we were talking about Kardashian, but the theory never proved true and May 19 was totally dedicated to Meghan and Harry.

The Royal Family reportedly removed in 2016 a video of Meghan Markle's relationship with Prince Harry

It is hard for us to think of a time when Prince Harry's relationship with Meghan Markle was kept secret, but this seems to have happened in 2016. Everything about their connection was pure speculation, and when the news This Morning suddenly ran into difficulties during a show on both, the fans immediately started to become suspicious. Has the royal family stopped broadcasting this material? Probably, but certainly, a funny (and suspicious) theory.

Prince Harry made a "diabolical" sign when he met Melania Trump for the first time

In September 2017, people were firmly convinced Prince Harry made a "diabolical" sign with his fingers in a photo that appears next to Melania Trump. Theories of being part of an evil cult or, on the contrary, trying to remove a demonic presence, have not been slow in appearing. We are 99% convinced that these are not the reasons Harry kept his fingers as he did, but he can not be entertained by the scenario above.

Meghan Markle is an inactive secret agent for the United States Government

The actor Paul Bettany is in charge of this theory that he shares on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon . Although she has no proof of this, apart from the antipathy that gave her all her royal wedding. "I think Meghan Markle is an inactive secret agent for the US government, her father has created all the diversion with the photos and I think the CIA is also involved, I think Piers Morgan is also involved," he said. said the actor.Image the entire image

Photo: Northfoto

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