7 symptoms of cervical cancer – Health> Gynecology


Six out of ten cases of cervical cancer occur in women who have never been tested for Pap smear or who have not taken the test in the last five years .

This test identifies the problems that can occur leading to the occurrence of cervical cancer and thus helps to prevent this serious disease.

One of the risk factors for developing cervical cancer is not having a Pap test in the past five years, warns the specialist. womenshealthmag.com

However, experts are of the opinion that you should not rely solely on the Pap test to find problems. It is important to recognize the symptoms of cervical cancer. Although it is known as a "silent" condition that exhibits symptoms that can be confused with other health problems, you should go to the doctor if you notice any of these symptoms:

Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

Cervical cancer is characterized by vaginal bleeding, which occurs outside menstruation, after intercourse, or after menopause, "Taraneh Shirazian explains. for womenshealthmag.com. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is usually a symptom of advanced cervical cancer, which means that the tumor affecting the cervix also affected the surrounding tissues

Abundant menstruation

This symptom does not refer to a cycle that lasts longer than usual or bleeding some darker. "It's a menstrual period that lasts two weeks instead of four days or two periods of menstruation in the same month," says the doctor. But to be sure, if you experience a change in the menstrual cycle that lasts for at least two months in a row, be it abundant, less abundant or any other change, you should go to the doctor.

Vaginal leakage abnormalities

Vaginal lesions are quite normal, but some of the leaks you may encounter may be signs of various gynecological disorders. "In the case of cervical cancer, you can see leaks with a stain or a very unpleasant, pink, brownish tissue or blood, which is known in medical terms as necrotic," says the doctor. "And because tumors can secrete fluids, this contributes to the appearance of a continuous water leak that occurs without a cause," says Dr. Taraneh Shirazian.

Abdominal pain, back or leg

Pelvic pain may be cervical cancer signal, but advanced cancer may spread to the bladder, intestines or even lungs, doctors warn . In this case, you may have back or leg pain. "But they are usually associated with very advanced cases of cervical cancer, because this type of cancer does not usually affect too many nerves," says the gynecologist.

High Fatigue

Cervical cancer symptoms occur in more advanced stages of the disease, this condition has a common symptom with all types of cancer. "Fatigue is one of those symptoms," says the doctor. And the reason is that abnormal vaginal bleeding, one of the main symptoms of cervical cancer, can reduce the amount of red blood cells and oxygen in the body, causing a sensation of permanent exhaustion that does not seem to have any explanation. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, you should consult your doctor for a series of tests that detect the level of iron and red blood cells.

Sensation of Nausea and Indigestion

A persistent feeling of nausea or indigestion may be a sign including cancer, including cancer of the cervix, the uterus doctor cited. And this happens because the cervix affected by cancer increases its size in the abdominal cavity, compressing the gastrointestinal tract and the stomach, causing these symptoms. Because nausea can be a symptom of a lot of health problems, talk to your family doctor before going to the gynecologist.

Sudden weight loss

The same factors that cause nausea in cancer of the cervix of the uterus can cause weight loss. In addition, if you experience persistent nausea, it is difficult for you to eat. If you lose between five and ten percent of your body weight within six months without trying to lose weight, it is an alarm signal that should be sent to the doctor.

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