8 years after the death of Maddalena Manole


Today, July 14, eight years ago, Mădălina Manole left this world … and, all the while, "the girl with the fur of fire" sings to the angels in the infinite blue sky. It is said that "time heals wounds", but this ancient word does not apply to parents and close relatives of the artist. Some specialists say that when the tragedy occurs in families, the injuries caused remain in the souls. Certainly, over time, the mind covers them with scars so that they can stay healthy. And the pain decreases in intensity, but never disappears. Thus, today, all those who have loved Mădălina Manole will "break" a few moments of their hectic life to make a prayer or light a candle in her memory. he healed the painful wound in his soul. Disturbing concerns about "hair with fiery hair": "Eight years old when something of me dies day by day"

Madalina Manole died eight years ago, even on her birthday

Mădălina Manole has stopped living his birthday. On July 14, 2010, when he was found out of breath, the lamented artist was 43 years old. The discovery that shocked the whole country at that time was made by her husband. Peter Mircea in the villa in Otopeni where they lived. Their son was only a year and a month old when he was orphaned by his mother.

Manole, Madalina's father, testified of the day he learned that his daughter was dead: "I was in my room, reads and …"

The reasons that would have led to the 39, the artist to put an end to his life, but the cause of death made public by the lawyers has long held the front pages of newspapers. The forensic certificate of the National Institute of Forensic Medicine (INML) " Mina Minovici" showed that Madalina Manole had committed suicide with Furadan. On August 12, 2010, forensic scientists completed the toxicological analysis of Mădălina Manole. They concluded that the artist had only swallowed Furadan, and that there was no alcohol, barbiturates, drugs or bulk products in the blood [[] 19659006] We recalled that after the investigation of the death of the star, a taxi driver provided Furadan Bertei Slav, to the friend of Madalina Manole, after which the dangerous substance reached the "hair of fire" as it was called the unfortunate singer. Sorin Urziceanu was released from prison in November 2017, after serving bars at the Timisoara penitentiary for more than two years.

Madelina's brother, Manole, is desperate: I noticed the niece only in the pictures! "

Seven years ago, Cristian Sorin Urziceanu was sentenced by the Bucharest Court to three years in prison after selling Furadan's suicide by Madalina Manole, and in June 2015 he was sentenced to two years in prison for smuggling of migrants.It was added three more years of punishment, which he had suspended in 2011, because of the death of Madalina Manole.So, in the end, he received five years of imprisonment with execution at the penitentiary of Timis

Read: Shocking details about the death of Madalina Manole.What the soloist wrote in the note of farewell and what? she revealed on her husband, Peter Mircea

The cause of death of Madalina Manole

Mihaela Brooks, the Romanian of Canada who had investigated the death of Mădălina Manole for the FBI Pete Klismet, a former criminologist of the FBI , revealed the conclusions he drew at the end of the report declarations made by the & # 39; American, which is the & # 39; author of the famous trilogy "FBI Diary", the singer would not suicide but was killed [19659014]. In addition, the amount of Furadan that Madalina Manole had drunk would probably be large enough to kill three or four elephants, said Pete Klismet at the show " Karas on Crime 19659006] Read: Mădălina Manole , "drugged" before swallowing a toxic substance! Mihaela Brooks reveals new hallucinating details of the night of the artist

The son of Madalina Manole was 9 years old

Madalina Manole gave a boy Petru Mircea Jr. is now raised by the singer's husband 19659022] Petru Mircea arrived with his son for the first time in March 2013. In addition to the performance of Cătălin Măruţă, the son of Mădălinei Manole has never appeared in a TV show Photo Source: Pro TV catch

Madeleine Manole's mother died a year ago

Eugenia Manole was beaten by serious health problems on March 4, 2017. The m era of the revered artist Mădălina Manole was 72 years old and had been diagnosed with terrible lung cancer. She had serious problems with her heart, lungs and colon. A few months before her death, she expressed her last wish, which she unfortunately did not manage to accomplish. Eugenia Manole wanted to be able to do her seven-year-old pump

"My only wish is that God keep me healthy to be able to do the parastasis of 7. So I can be quiet for doing my life ", Eugenia Manole said last year in an interview in 2017.

The mother of the late artist was buried on March 7, 2017 at Bolovani Cemetery in Ploiesti, where he sleeps his sleep eternal and his daughter Madalina Manole.

See also: The emotional fragment of Madalina Manole magazine. His brother chose to make it public!

The most famous songs of Madalina Manole

These are only 17 of the most beloved songs Mădălina Manole published during his career: "I saw you, I loved you" "Dear girl "," You have not had the courage "," I want to look at you "," Empty soul, "" Stand by me, mother, "" Come on my love! "," Your birthday, "I would give everything", "The man of my soul", "It was the love", "Where are you, I would be me", "Love player", "Yes, I love you", "Sing with me" for you "," You are not even an angel "

Read also: Dan Negru, confessions on the last meeting with Mădălina Manole! The TV interpreter kept everything in silence for 7 years: "She was pained, not sad, pained!"

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