How much nuts should you consume daily to prevent type 2 diabetes? | Health


  How many nuts should you consume daily to prevent type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is influenced by a variety of factors, including unhealthy eating. In order to prevent this disease, doctors recommend to adopt a healthy lifestyle and dietary inclusion of nuts.

Because dietary changes play a very important role in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in recent research, scientists have confirmed the importance of introducing nuts into foods . They are a major source of polyunsaturated fat and fiber, and are consumed daily in small amounts, nuts improve digestion, heart function, thus preventing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

How much nuts should you consume daily? To prevent type 2 diabetes

Although recommended by specialists, nuts should be consumed in small amounts because they have a fairly high calorie count. Specialists recommend 3 tablespoons of nuts a day, which helps the body work better and fight disease, according to Whether they are consumed instead of nibbling or used in different preparations, nuts can reduce the "bad" cholesterol in the body, with an important role not only in the prevention of heart disease, but also in colon cancer

Scientists have shown that 3 tablespoons of nuts a day can lead to a 47% decrease in the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. To achieve these results, researchers studied the eating habits of 34,121 adults with between 18 and 85 years old. At the end of the study, scientists found that there is an important link between nut consumption and prevention of type 2 diabetes

because they manage to rule out three of diseases most often associated with premature death, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, nuts are the recommendation of many nutritionists, with the indication that the recommended daily amount is not exceeded

Bianca Hriscu


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