TRAGEDY for Anamaria Prodan! He succumbed to the appearance of MISTERIOUS from his mother! It all happened in MORMAN


Anamaria Prodan went through terrible moments after the death of her mother, singer Ionela Prodan. The famous impresario has confessed that he still feels the protective presence of his mother and speaks to him.

"I know that a man who knows that he does not have to live, will not fight, how long I live on this earth will be next to me." I speak with her, I speak with painting, "said Anamaria Prodan, shortly after the death of the great artist

The famous impresario is still marked by the death of his mother, Ionela Prodan, two and a half months after the tragedy.

Recently, Anamaria Prodan was at his mother's tomb, where he lit candles and distributed food packages worth thousands of euros

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