The deputies were called to vote today, at 1 pm, the amendments to the Penal Code. This Senate after Tuesday adopted the modified form by the Commission headed by Florin Iordache.
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-The chronology of today's events – LIVE TEXT
Stelian Ion: "I think the currency of today should be: the dream of every delinquent is to make himself the criminal code! "
-► Raluca Turcan came to court with a black scarf:" You can consider this a mourning for Romanian democracy if today you will be able to give the final vote "
-► The film of the events of Tuesday, July 3, where, when you were on vacation, senators were announced that they had to return to Bucharest to vote for the new form of the Criminal Code
Redefining Abuse in the service as a crime,
Very pressed the law was sent to the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday, for a decision in this case. Immediately, the Commission of Iordache reunited and in just 2 hours adopted the Penal Code.
The opposition charged the text was written to save Liviu Dragnea, sentenced in the first instance, 3 and a half years of imprisonment, with execution. "" was the reaction of Liviu Dragnea
The Chronology of Events, Wednesday, July 4:] 12.55 PSD Deputy Chief Daniel Suciu said that it was normal for a parliamentary session of the PSD to be held before the final vote on the Penal Code, since 165 votes are needed for the House to adopt it. 19659009] " It is normal to have a meeting, because we need 165 votes, we must have from 165. (…) As it is taken to the final vote, we hope that this project will pass "said Suciu before the parliamentary session of the PSD.
He added that they are "about 6 years old".
Asked why he was so eager to adopt the Penal Code, Suciu claimed that "for technical reasons"
"In principle, we have 150 PSD with our colleagues of ALDE, that should be enough: obviously, when there is a significant vote and we have reasoned absences, we have taken all the necessary discussions to get this bill passed (…) I guess all the deputies of the PSD will vote for this project " added the deputy head of the PSD
The president of the House, Liviu Dragnea, also attended the meeting
12.30 Deputies of the PSD meet today in the Chamber of Deputies before the final vote on the draft amendment to the Penal Code
According to sources quoted by Agerpres, parliamentarians of the party will be present at the meeting as UDMR will not support the draft penal code
At the debate on the articles, the leader of the UDMR deputies, Attila Korodi, pointed out that, if the amendments proposed by the
In these circumstances the PSD-ALDE parliamentary majority can not obtain the necessary votes to adopt the draft penal code
12.15 pm The plenum of the Chamber of Deputies voted on the articles on the amendments to the Penal Code [19459011Thefinalvotetakesplacetodayat1pm
11.50 Liberal MP Ioan Cupsa announced that NLP will attack the CCR amendments to the Criminal Code . [19459109] UDMR MP Attila Korodi, stated that his party would not support the normative act if the Union's amendments were not adopted
"Yesterday, in a specialized committee, we tabled a series of amendments that we believe should be adopted because the Criminal Code is consistent with the decisions of the CCR, and we hope that these amendments (…) will be adopted. in plenary session because otherwise we can not support the final adoption of the Penal Code, "said Attila Korodi in plenary session
11.15 PSD Senator Liviu Pop stated that the Penal Code did not contain any provision to serve the president of the Social Democrats, Liviu Dragnea.
"The Penal Code does not contain any provision to serve President Liviu Dragnea and ask all those who were arguing in the public environment to take anything public from the file of President Liviu Dragnea to tell us what is the article of the Penal Code which gives him an advantage to President Liviu Dragnea, 19659031] the US Secretary of State Stelian Ion stated that, 12 days after the first conviction of Liviu, [19659030] Liviu Pop told RFI, according to Agerpres
Dragnea p For misuse, the PSD alters the offense in the Penal Code.He also said that if we had a shoemaker 50 years, why could not we have a model proposed by the PSD, in which "criminals, thieves, culpable direction to rule this country." I think the motto today is: It should be
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We had a 50-year model where the supreme leader was a cobbler of four classes. Why can not we have a model proposed by the PSD in which criminals, thieves and bosses run this country? That's your proposal. Obviously, we will resist the model you propose. The court said that Mr. Liviu Dragnea should serve the prison sentence for abu on duty. That's true at first, but what do you do 12 days after? Modify the penal code in order to escape Mr. Dragnea and not only to Liviu Dragnea ", said Stelian Ion 10.30 The Chamber of Deputies on Amendments to the Penal Code, after the Opposition asked for their withdrawal from the agenda and the new presentation to the Special Committee.The majority vote decided to reject both proposals
The leader of the NLP group of the Chamber of Deputies , Raluca Turcan requested striking off the agenda
to remove from the agenda today the Bill on the Penal Code as there is a violation of the statutory provisions on the availability of parliamentarians to debate this report at least 24 hours before deciding to vote in favor of the NLP proposal that the debates of the Special Commission on the modification of the laws of justice on the Penal Code have ended last night, their colleagues did not have time to see the report prepared by the commission; unfortunate, if today, in the style that was recently the debate in the House of Deputies, this bill will not be debated constantly, completely and knowingly well, we risk throwing the country into chaos and put it at the disposal of criminals and corrupts ", said Turcan
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The Liberal proposal was rejected, with 92 votes against and 50 votes for
Stelian Ion, Deputy USR requested the resignation of this project to the committee, but this proposal was also rejected.
] "I wish to refer you to another Rule of the Rules, this report must be tabled at least two days before being debated in plenary as part of the emergency procedure. On the other hand, the special meeting of the commission was set yesterday, in violation of the 24 hour deadline provided by the regulation. I understand that you are in a hurry, but you must hurry in accordance with the law and in accordance with the regulations. On the other hand, I invoked the fact that, in the report we received an hour and a half ago, mistakes were made on the amendments proposed by the USR, we have identified at least two errors and this should be corrected to the Ad Hoc Committee. (…) I propose to send this report to the Special Commission to correct the errors "Stelian Ion asked.
After this proposal was rejected by the plenum, Raluca Turcan came to the platform with a black scarf and said:
"You can consider that it is a mourning for Romanian democracy if today you arrive at to give the final vote. "
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10.00 The deputies decided that the final plenary session of will be held on Wednesday from 13.00 . Wednesday's agenda was initially solely for plenary debates and on Thursday
The proposal for the final vote was made by the leader of the PSD's parliamentary group, Daniel Suciu, and was passed by 90 votes for and 40 against
Film of the events of my 3 July, when the majority of the PSD – ALDE requested amendments to the Penal Code
Just on vacation, senators were announced that they were to return to Bucharest in extraordinary session to vote the new form of Criminal Code. Senate President Calin Popescu Tariceanu has left Adrian Ţuţuianu of the PSD to lead the proceedings
The opposition has tried to block the debate by calling for the suspension of the session on the grounds that it is not had not even half of the elected at the meeting. vain, however, because the PSD-ALDE senators began the debate, and the other colleagues came. Nicu Fălcoi, USR Senator : "The official who will work for the benefit of the community – this is to quote Mr. Dragnea – he will just have to be so stupid to seize directly the resulting benefit from an abuse of service or to offer a very close relative.The PSD has invented a new way of stealing: altruistic robbery, in which you share with the fugitive politicians all that you stole from the Romanians. "
Alina Gorghiu, PNL Senator: " Redefining the abuse of service, you have partially neglected the act, and since yesterday (month – no) there There are institutions that tell us that hundreds of cases will be closed, that many hundreds of others will be paid for, and I am also having a wedding with you today (no – tuesday): this code does not exist. will never come into force in this form because it is not possible in a normal state to protect the delinquent, not the victim. " [19659009LedéputéFlorinIordacheleprésidentdelaCommissionquiachangélalois'estrendupersonnellementauSénatpourvoircommentleschosessesontpasséesIlaassistéàl'annoncedel'UDMRreçueaveclesapplaudissementsdel'USRetduPNL
Cseke Attila senator UDMR " We are not d & # 39; agreement with & # 39, the abolition of negligence in the service. Two problems were introduced in the service abuse offense, namely the reduction of the maximum sentence of seven to five years, as well as the expression "in order to obtain for it- same, husband, family or fine up to the second degree, a patrimonial advantage. With these two questions added, the UDMR group can not agree. "
Accused by the opposition of having asked his colleagues to amend the law to escape the criminal, Liviu Dragnea answered with a question
Liviu Dragnea, the president of the Chamber of Deputies : "Do you think that they let me escape?"
Calin Popescu Tariceanu explains the philosophy of the new code
Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, President of the Senate : "It is necessary to change the philosophy of the Penal Code, in the sense to put more emphasis on recovering the injury, "
At the Senate session, all the amendments of the NLP and the USR were rejected and the Penal Code was adopted as the Coalition wanted
. ] Serban Nicolae, PSD Senator: " The proposals that I have made today do not solve any personal problem of anybody.They are not made for the sake of from someone they will be applied in all criminal records as they are today.I did the right thing. " CLICK HERE to install FREE ProTV News for Android and Android phones and install them for free. iPhone!
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