Dăncilă: Interconnection projects with the countries of South-East Europe are a priority objective


At the quadrilateral meeting of Romania-Bulgaria-Greece-Serbia, which took place on Wednesday in Thessaloniki, Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă stressed that the progress of the projects of interconnection with the countries of South-East Europe is one of the priority objectives of Romania.

" On 4 July 2018, Viorica Dăncilă, Prime Minister of Romania, participated in Thessaloniki at the invitation of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras at a new quadrilateral meeting
Romania-Bulgaria-Greece-Serbia, alongside his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The meeting helped to strengthen the high-level dialogue in this area
to format and identify the means of cooperation in the region. The Romanian Prime Minister stressed that, in the context where Romania is on the right track for preparations for the taking into
Presidents of the EU Council in the first half of 2019, the progress of interconnection projects with the countries of South-East Europe, progress in guaranteeing energy security
of the region, the intensification of regional cooperation, as well as the further expansion with the Western Balkan countries, are priority objectives for Romania, "according to a press release.
press of the executive.

According to the source cited, with regard to interconnectivity, the focus was on transport infrastructure projects, but also on energy interconnections.

"With regard to regional transport infrastructure projects, Romania proposed the establishment of a transport working group to identify and establish priority projects.
which will be promoted by the parties in a quadrilateral, trilateral and bilateral format and sources of funding. Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă has expressed his conviction that joint projects
boost trade, business relations and tourism. The Romanian Prime Minister has conveyed the special interest of our country in advancing energy interconnections with Serbia and
facilitate Romania's exports of gas and electricity and highlight the importance of redoubling efforts to strengthen energy security at regional and European level,
in particular by diversifying sources of supply and speeding up interconnections, "the government press release said.

With regard to the European Strategy for the Danube Region, whose presidency will be taken over by Romania from Bulgaria in October 2018, Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă stated that
Romania aims to promote its added value in order to ensure economic development, social cohesion and reduce disparities in territorial development at national level.

"Referring to the enlargement of the European Union to the countries of the Western Balkans, he specified that Romania, as part of the Presidential Trio composed of Bulgaria, Austria and of our country, wishes
continue to work closely with the States of the region. He also reiterated, on this occasion, the constant and strong support of Romania to the accession negotiations of Serbia.
EU. The senior Romanian official also stressed that the Bucharest government aims to build a more integrated region, including the Balkan states, as a precondition for growth
sustainable development in the region. At the meeting in Thessaloniki, the Romanian Prime Minister supported the need for action to stabilize the region in order to combat the factors that facilitate
phenomena of radicalization and violent extremism, with the participation of civil society and local and central authorities. It has also strengthened border security, highlighting
context, the importance of regional and bilateral cooperation to prevent and combat illegal migration and organized crime, "he said.

On migration, senior officials in Thessaloniki pointed out, according to the source, that this issue remains a priority on the EU agenda, given that
the last meeting of the European Council (28-29 June 2018). They stressed that further efforts are needed to identify the best means of action
ensure an effective and comprehensive migration approach.

"The Prime Minister of Romania stated that Romania counts on the continued commitment of the States of the region, including Serbia, to the management of the challenges posed by the phenomenon of migration and
avoid promoting measures that will become a factor of attraction for the region, in the interest of all, Member States and Partner States. On the revision of the European system
Asilo Common Forum (CSA), Viorica Dăncilă appreciated the efforts made by the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council to reach a compromise on the Dublin proposal but also on developments
other CEAS instruments ", is also in line with the press release.

Previous meetings of senior officials of the four states were held in Varna on the sidelines of the joint meeting of the Romanian and Bulgarian governments (3 October 2017) in Belgrade (8-9 December 2017)
and in Bucharest (April 24, 2018).

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