The Trump administration proposes to the EU to eliminate the total tax on automotive imports – Hands-blatt – Auto


The administration Donald Trump proposes to the European Union the total abolition of customs duties on imports of motor vehicles on a reciprocal basis, according to sources cited by the House of Commons. German edition Handelsblatt, quotes Mediafax

Recently, it will impose a 20% customs duty on imports of motor vehicles manufactured in the countries of the European Union. But as the EU has already adopted retaliatory measures after Donald Trump has imposed duties on steel and aluminum imports, the Washington administration has put forward new proposals.

US Ambassador to Berlin Richard Grenell meets with Dieter Zetsche, Managing Director of the Daimler Group, Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Executive Board of BMW, and Herbert Diess, Chairman of the Volkswagen Group

According to sources cited by the German magazine Handelsblatt, the Washington administration. is ready to accept the total elimination of taxes on car imports compared to the European Union. Such an agreement would require a decision from all EU Member States and the registration of conditions with the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Currently, the United States applies 2.5% tariffs on imports of cars and 25% of trucks. The European Union has imposed a 10% tariff on imports of cars from the United States, Reuters said.

The European Commission declined to comment on this issue. The President of the EC, Jean-Claude Juncker, will meet Donald Trump shortly in Washington. "This will be an opportunity to discuss many issues of common interest, especially in the commercial field," said a spokesman for the European executive at Reuters

. EU threatens $ 294 billion trade retaliation if Trump imposes EU customs refund

US threatens retaliation from trading partners of up to $ 294 billion President Donald Trump was putting the threat of taxes on car imports into practice, warned the EU on Monday. according to AFP

In a letter to the US authorities, the European Commission states that US products worth US $ 294 billion (19% of US exports in 2017) could be affected by measures taken by EU and other trading partners of the United States

This letter from the European executive comes in – a particularly tense context, after Trump accused the EU, Sunday evening, that " the EU is probably as bad as China "

Ten days ago, on June 22, Donald Trump threatened to impose a 20% tariff on imported cars in the United States. ; EU.

The Europeans "had a trade surplus of $ 151 billion last year (…) and we are spending a fortune on NATO to protect them," he said.

"It 's terrible what they did," accused the Republican billionaire, before adding: "We all love the European Union in any way or another, but these countries treat us very badly. He treats us unfairly. "

The US Chamber of Commerce launches the Donald Trump Duty campaign

The US Chamber of Commerce, the largest US group of lobbyists and a traditional ally of the Republican Party, launches a campaign against human rights Customs by President Donald Trump, informs the website of Reuters Agency.

The lobbying campaign will analyze the impact that retaliatory measures of the European Union, China, from Canada or Mexico will have on businesses and jobs in the US, according to Mediafax

.We must try to get free and fair trade relations, but that's not what we can do, "said Tom Donohue, president of the US Chamber of Commerce.

President Donald Trump invoked improper international trade practices to impose a series of tariffs on imports from China, the European Union, Mexico, and Canada, attracting symmetrical measures against United States., Donald Trump's policy approval rate is highest in the states of Louisiana, Alabama and Dako

However, according to analyzes prepared by the American Chamber of Commerce, the effects of tariffs imposed by Donald Trump could be:

– in Louisiana, there are risks for 553,000 jobs and on exports of $ 5.3 billion
– in Alabama, the Chamber of Commerce believes the risks for 567,500 jobs and exports of $ 3.6 billion
– in Dakota (19659022) (function (d, s, id) {130}
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