Difficult interview between Merkel and Orban in Berlin at their first meeting after three years



  Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban
<! – Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban ->

Angela Merkel clearly disagrees with Viktor Orban on the migrants and has pleaded for a debt of "humanity" when she is accused of succumbing to the hardliners in Europe, according to the report. AFP [19659004] " We will protect the external borders " in the EU ", but not with the purpose of shutting us down and only talking about the closure and a kind of fortress for the press the German Chancellor, who received his Hungarian counterpart – for the first time in three years.

She invoked " divergences " on the theme of migration with Orban

" is the soul of Europe, and if we want to preserve it (…) then Europe can not simply cut itself off from helplessness and suffering "and barricading himself in a" fortress ", Merkel pointed out.

She addressed, s putting both Orban, i was at his side and who was often in conflict in 2015 about migrants and those who now accuse him of abandoning his generous policy of hosting refugees and

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Angela Merkel concludes an agreement with the Minister of the Interior on migration


Viktor Orban "" " We believe that we help in a humanitarian way by not making any more calls of migrants, he answered the only solution is "to the closing of the borders " and " no longer to receive those who bring evil " in Europe.

" We do not want to import problems ," he added, referring to the Chancellor

Orban also urged Berlin to be more grateful to Hungary. strictly supervises the southern border with Croatia and Serbia, because, " otherwise, 4000 to 5000 refugees will come to Germany every day." Solidarity . "

The two leaders have long embraced at the European level the opposite poles of asylum policy – the willingness to receive, on the one hand, the uncompromising refusal of migration, on the other – in the name of Christian values ​​of Europe.

However, despite the exchange of tough speeches Thursday in Berlin, Germany changed tone, gradually tightened its migration policy and became the de facto follower of a line.

Orban's hard line on migration is now the majority in Europe, having come to power on the far right in Austria and Italy, and by his ascent to other countries like Germany itself. – A recent interview, the Chancellor paid tribute to him – the Hungarian Prime Minister, who, in a certain way, did the work for us "thanks to very strict controls, after that" 39, he has even more critical in 2016 because of it closed the Balkan route "where most of the migrants came from Greece to northern Europe

The European summit devoted to migration last week, listed as " a huge success " by Orban, was a form of consecration of his theses – Europe stressed the consolidation of border control. "ORGANIZATION" OF MERKEL [19659905] Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban "style =" margin-bottom: 0px; "/>

AFP" style = "margin-bottom: 0px;" />

Merkel was also forced to definitively abandon the project of awarding asylum seekers to the EU, in particular facing the opposition of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. 19659015] Orbán " is the one who dictates the conditions of the Chancellor, the recent German magazine Der Spiegel, who speaks of" Orbanization "to Merkel

was forced to d & # 39; finally burying this generous welcome policy launched in 2015 under the pressure of the right wing of its governing coalition that threatened to leave it squarely.

The Chancellor has accepted that migrants already registered in d 39, Other EU Member States The EU will be placed in transit centers at the German border and then expelled to its entry into the EU by bilateral agreements with the countries concerned

. his Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who is now making efforts to negotiate with Austria and Italy the implementation of the plan – which announces a very complicated task.

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  Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban
<! – Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

  Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban
<! – Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

  Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban
<! – Angela Merkel, Viktor Orban ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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