Is video game addiction a disease? Arguments against


The World Health Organization has added the game last month to its manual on mental disorders, but not all experts accept this diagnosis, writes Playtech

It is clear that & # 39; There are people who have a good time. or days playing at Fortnite, League of Legends or other extremely popular games right now, but many psychologists are skeptical that the disease exists as an autonomous problem

Some believe that IGD (Internet Gaming Disorder) mental disorder is risky because the diagnostic criteria are still not clear

IGD is living proof of what happens when researchers are convinced that a bad habit turns into something something different: an illness

which is the difference between a bad habit and a disorder and where we draw this line, "said Scott Lilienfeld, professor of psychology at Emory University. among them think that there is often no way to make this distinction

See HERE what the doctors reached

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