The Trump administration "opens fire on the whole world" through customs duties


The Donald Trump administration "opens fire on the whole world" through the series of trade sanctions, accuses the Chinese government, warning that Beijing will not hesitate to resist.

US President Donald Trump denounces a number of incorrect business practices and introduces tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum from many countries, mainly from the European Union, from China, Canada and Mexico, which had retaliatory measures. Washington accuses Beijing of not respecting intellectual property rights. Since Friday, the United States charges $ 34 billion worth of Chinese goods at special prices

. "US measures are actually attacking global supply systems with products, in simple terms, the United States is firing the world, including them …," said Gao Feng, the spokesman Chinese Ministry of Commerce quoted by news website

"China will not give in to new threats and blackmail and will not reduce its resolve to defend free trade and the multilateral system ", warned the Chinese official

The American Chamber of Commerce launched a campaign against the tariffs imposed by Donald Trump

] The United States Chamber of Commerce, the largest United States lobby group and a traditional Republican ally, has launched a campaign against tariffs by President Donald Trump. The lobbying campaign will analyze the impact that retaliatory measures imposed by the European Union, China, Canada or Mexico will have on businesses and jobs in the United States. "The current administration threatens to undermine the economic progress that it has made so harshly that we must try to obtain free and fair trade relations, but that is not the way we do it. do, "said Donohue Tom, United States Trade

According to the survey data submitted by, Donald Trump's policy approval rate is highest in the states of Louisiana, Alabama and South Dakota. But, according to the US Chamber of Commerce's analysis, the effects of Donald Trump's tariffs could be:

– in Louisiana, there were risks for 553,000 jobs and exports of 5.3 billion

– In Alabama, the Chamber of Commerce estimates the risks of 567,500 jobs and exports of $ 3.6 billion

– In South Dakota, 130,000 jobs are at risk jobs and exports from one country to another worth $ 129 million

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