A Roman man was sentenced to 225 years in prison. How this sentence was reached


A man from Suceava was sentenced to 225 years in prison, the sentence being final after his fall. In Iasi Penitentiary, the detainee will be sentenced to the maximum penalty provided by the Romanian Criminal Law, namely 30 years imprisonment.

"The court takes note of the voluntary demonstration of the convicted applicant, Rusu Ovidiu, detained in Iasi penitentiary," The legislator was sentenced to pay to the state the sum of 250 lei the legal costs advanced in the "Case," Iasi Court judges said

The man received sentences in 17 criminal cases, being accused by prosecutors of deception during the period 2006-2011. According to the investigators, he was recommended to several people as a DNA judge or prosecutor, thereby obtaining various amounts of money from people whom he allegedly promised to solve in court, from Casa de Pensii, Suceava Health Insurance Fund or Land Registry Office in Radauti

In addition, he was accused that after reaching the penitentiary, he would have been able to obtain about 100,000 euros from other people that he at would be promised to help in various problems, presenting themselves with different functions in the judiciary.

In the spring of this year, Ovidiu Rusu was convicted by Suceava judges, admitted the appeal declared by the prosecutor near the Suceava court and sentenced him to three years in prison, but merged the previous sentences and inflicted on the defendant the ten years of imprisonment, they added one-third of the total other sentences, 225 years, 272 months and 1,395 days in jail, 93 years, ten months and five days d & # 39; imprisonment.

Finally, the punishment applied to Rusu was sentenced to 30 years in prison, the maximum penalty provided by Romanian legislation.

The court found, in practice, the obligation to merge the sentence of three years in prison, which Rusu imposed on him for detention, with others

The minutes of the This spring's decision by the Suceava Court of Appeal shows that Ovidiu Rusu was sentenced to the death penalty of 30 years, as criminal law does not allow, for such offenses, that a person will execute more than 30 years of detention.

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