Radu Jude won the Crystal Globe, Karlovy Vary Film Festival Grand Prix – Through the City


Radu Jude's film "No matter if we become barbarians in history" won the Crystal Globe, the grand prize of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, becoming the first Romanian production among the winners of the trophy in the Czech Republic.

Radu Jude's film "I have nothing to do with the fact that we are going to become barbarians in history" received on Saturday the Grand Prix of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival of & # 39; 39 worth $ 25,000. It is officially the first time that a Romanian film wins the Crystal Globe trophy

One of the oldest in the world, considered before 1989 as the most important festival for films made in the socialist countries, the Karlovy Vary show often in the film "Danube Waves" directed by Liviu Ciulei. Many critics of the Romanian film gave this fact. In fact, the official festival record in the Czech Republic does not mention any other Romanian film as winner of the Crystal Globe before Radu Jude's film. Currently, the International Film Festival Karlovy Vary is the most visible film festival in Central and Eastern Europe

"I think there is an obvious influence of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet because & # 39; They made movies "There are also influences of Jean-Luc Godard in his films, but I think that the main influence if one must come from cinema but from literature, I'm sure you know in the Czech Republic because part of the story is in Prague, it's a novel by WG Sebald, who makes historical stories about the relationship between the past and the present, using photographs in books and other elements. When I discovered Sebald a few years ago, it impressed me to the extent that it seems to me to be the main influence. (…) I do not think that a film, my film, can change the way the world thinks the only thing it can do, it's to be .. I think Wittgenstein said that he saw his philosophical books as a ladder, and that people would climb on them and throw them away. With all my modesty, I think my film does the same thing, it's a staircase that people can climb then find or think of something more exciting than what I've been able to show. (…) When you belong to a community, you feel that you are responsible in a symbolic way. And if someone did something wrong, you do not want to feel guilty, you do not want to feel responsible. Maybe it's easier from a psychological point of view to say . For me, I think it's more important that we all have a community and this should be a practical matter; you should not treat your community as football supporters with their team. Appears in a community but you can be critical about some aspects. I do not see any problem with that and I do not understand why people have a problem with that. Why would it be a problem to say that some Czechs in 1945 took the Germans on a death march in which thousands of people lost their lives, that we now regret and that we can see how that happened? why? Because the Czechs of today are not guilty of what happened in the past, Romanians or Germans today are not guilty of what 's wrong. they were today. Why can not we look at what has happened, try to understand why and what we can understand. It's very simple, "he says about Radu Jude about" It does not matter if we go into history as barbarians "to the organizers of Karlovy Vary

Set Designer Iuliana Vilsan, who signs the costumes and sets of production, recorded immediately on a social network after hearing the news: "I love the coincidences … I told you … today the. Liviu Ciulei's birthday … Today is the day of Radu Jude to win the Crystal Globe … Now I do not get my skin of joy … because that's what it is. is the first feature film I have ever worked on … Thanks especially to the team that followed me in this adventure. "

" I am indifferent if we become barbarians in history "Radu Jude won the" Europa Cinemas Label "award at Karlovy Vary on Saturday, a distinction awarded by the European cinema network.

Award was announced before the official ceremony of the Czech awards, being awarded to the outside jury of the network of cinemas Europa Cinemas for the best European film in the official competition or documentary, writes Mediafax.

D & # 39; other films awarded on Saturday by jurors invited to award distinctions outside the official regulations of Karlovy Vary were the co-production Argentina, Brazil, France "Sueño Florianópolis", which received the FIPRESCI prize, the Israeli film "Redemption", noticed by the ecumenical jury, while the federation of European and Mediterranean critics awarded the documentary "Suleiman Mountain", a Kyrgyzstan-Russian co-production.

lm, "No matter if we will become barbarians in history", was included in the official competition of the 53rd edition of the prestigious event in the Czech Republic, which took place between June 29 and July 7th.

Ioana Iacob, Alexandru Dabija, Alex Bogdan, Ilinca Manolache, Serban Pavlu, Ion Rizea, Claudia Ieremia and Bogdan Cotleţ are distributed. The film will enter cinemas in Romania on September 28th.

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