PHOTO / VIDEO – ANITA HARTIG Medal – Bistritan


Although very tired after a very hard and demanding season, she made for her "bistrites" a potpourri of regions, mainly from the most expensive section of her soul, namely "operetta" . It was a musical gem that I will never forget. What an outstanding Medalion I could take part! This miraculous step where juniper has gone beyond this stage and shows the world as blooming in all its splendor … Your breath is cut off because you have not, or will not find, comparison term. What a medallion! What a medal!

At the salon with as much German per square meter, of course, I am referring to that of July 6 at the Bistrita Dacia Cultural Center, followed by a second part, eagerly awaited from all of us: the review with our great artist ANITA HARTIG . Although quite tired, after a very difficult and demanding season, she made for her "bistrites" a dwarf of areas, mainly of the most expensive part of her soul, namely "the operetta". It was a musical gem that I will never forget. The hundreds of fans in the room are suddenly incomprehensible. What an outstanding Medalion I could take part! I thank God that I can live it!

ANITA HARTIG is a great artist of the universal opera scene, here in Bistrita, Romania! You will see, in the end, that the staff proudly declare this affiliation, like Angela Gheorghiu, Stephen Pop, and why not? – Like Simona Halep! They are actually the ambassadors of Tricolor and our homeland, Romania, all over the world, where career, life takes its marks.

Before discussing the content of the program, I have to make a few remarks. First, "nothing would be, if we did not say it", the fairy tale.

Thomas Hartig with his wife, with the whole family is the determining factor for the great soprano to reach the heights of glory. So let me, with deep respect and reverence, thank them for making their efforts, educating and training ANITA HARTIG ! Without them, we would not have talked about this success now. Good thinking also deserves all the teachers who discovered her and helped her with patience and perseverance to accomplish the great performance of her career. Those of Bistrita and those of the Conservatory "George Dima" of Cluj-Napoca. The second is related to the moment. A truly fertile artistic maturity, full-time . This miraculous scene where the rose jelly surpasses this stage and shows the world as a flower blooming in all its splendor. Breathe because you do not have, or will not find, a comparison term. How lucky to see and hear now our great singer ANITA HARTIG! The third and final explanation is that, by much respect for the fans and their loved ones, the fellow citizens have not been at all. Of course, the acoustics of the room is very good, but sing the whole program without the microphone, move and even dance Csardas singing, it is unmatched! Jos Pălăria

Let me give two other names. The musicologist Gavril Ţărmure and the master Romeo Rîmbu . First of all, for his exceptional sense of management and his involvement in all the gift of the good actor, music, dance and even theater. He is the author of this unique project: The new Transylvanian orchestra, not permanent (we have no funds for such a thing!) But when it is necessary, for example, here, this collecting medallion with [19659006] HARTIG. The second is the high-class musician, the master ROMEO RIMBU the conductor and the father The New Transylvanian Orchestra .

This is a great victory for all true music lovers in Bistrita.

The show was inaugurated by the Transylvanian New Orchestra who performed Johann Strauss's Opening at "A Night in Venice":

He entered the scene, on the great actions, our dear ANITA HARTIG . He played a fragment of the role Giuditta – zone "Meine Lippen" of Franz Lehar:

Interpretation of note 11! Slowly, the audience was completely captured by the great artist. Nobody knows when the time is up, and we have been around 22:00!

But I do not think you need explanations. I leave you with the unforgettable music of the evening of July 6, 2018 …

Antonin Dvorak – Rusalka – Zone "Song to the Moon":

Friedrich von Flotow – Martha "Letzte Rose":

Transylvanian – Georges Bizet – Carmen, second suite:

Johann Strauss – Liliacul – Csardas – Last fragment:

He had the kindness and the power to give us exclusively this interview:

What else can I tell you? You may regret that you were not in the room … I thank all those involved, especially the New Transylvanian Orchestra, Master Romeo Rimbu. It was a miraculous balm for the soul, the heart and gave us the optimism of the moment that comes … Thank you in the name of the musician, the bistrites present at our dear and dear series ANITA HARTIG ! Good health and good luck and success on the meridians that you will overcome this end of the year! Do not forget and how often can you go home to Bistrita, where, always someone, be safe, will love you

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