Viorica Dăncilă stammers in an 11-minute interview in Brussels: "Abuse at work"


A wave of errors expressed by Prime Minister Viorica Vasilica Dăncilă in a brief interview given to a television in Brussels. In 11 minutes, Dăncilă made mistake after mistake, as we did.

In 11 minutes, Dăncilă made mistake after mistake, as we were accustomed

We continue to write the correct and literary form of what Dăncilă meant:

"Yes, it was raised the question (amendment of the criminal codes – no) by the First Vice President Timmermans I assured him that the rule of law is not affected in any way, that the change was made after the consultations, that it was not done in 2016, one day, and that the opinion of the magistrates was that it was transparent to Parliament that the RAC would be the one who would say the last word. I have reiterated that these changes were necessary given the need to transpose the directives EU and CCR Decisions We talked about abuse in the service We reestablished that only 7 states abused of their function Most states do not know what is the abuse in the service We have all the availability to respond to any comments from their Commission and the doubts that will exist and if the RAC finds that some aspects are unconstitutional, we will observe this in order to adapt to the rules of constitutionality, "said Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă in a interview with Antena 3. [19659004] The Head of the Executive added that the President of the EC would have stated that he would support Romania in strengthening the verification and cooperation mechanism when our country will assume the Presidency of the EU Council in January 2019. "I explained that these laws of justice The Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure are in fact internal laws that do not affect the primacy of the right and I would not want MCV to look into these issues. We have expressed the wish that MCV be created for Romania and that we will do all we can to do it. I think that neither the President of Romania nor the Romanian Government want Romania to assume the presidency of MCV. Mr. Juncker said that he supported Romania, so that when we assume the presidency, we will not have MCV, "added Dăncilă.

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