BBC: How much of the German energy actually comes from Russia?


According to the BBC, it is true that Germany depends on Russia for gas imports. However, gas accounts for less than 20% of Berlin's energy mix

"Germany is the prisoner of Russia because it draws 60-70% of its energy from Russia," Trump said. "They are paying billions of dollars to Russia, and we must defend them against Russia (…) This is not normal," said the US president.

Chancellor Angela Merkel responded to Trump saying that he was living in a part of Germany controlled by Russia and stressed that now his country is independent.

"I have lived in a part of Germany controlled by the Soviet Union and I am very happy that we are united in freedom in the Federal Republic of Germany and we can to say that we can not determine our own policies and make our own decisions – a good thing, "said Merkel, not referring to Trump.

According to the BBC, Germany only depends on Russia for its gas imports. Eurostat estimates that Russia supplies between 50 and 75% of gas imports from Germany and the rest comes from Norway.

However, if we talk about energy, Germany's energy production is largely composed of 40% coal, more than 30% renewable sources, less than 20% gas and 10% nuclear, Marex Spectron.

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