A list of foods that help you refine your waistline


The hardest part is getting rid of fat on the abdomen because the body tries to keep its reserves in case of starvation or illness. It takes more effort than a few abdominal series.

So, if you want to get rid of unsaturated fat in your waist, it includes foods that boost metabolism in your diet. Vegetables and vegetable juices are your allies if you want to get rid of your belly. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and give you the feeling of fullness, they can replace a meal.

Green vegetable juice

You need 2 leaves of spinach leaves, half of cucumber, half a parsley, a quarter of celeriac, a handful of mint leaves, 2 carrots and juice of a lemon. Mix all the ingredients in the blender and consume fresh juice. This drink has an energy effect, low calories and is full of fiber and nutrients.


Nut is the best vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are not only nutrients with anti-inflammatory properties, they also help regulate levels of stress hormones.

A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can prevent high concentrations of cortisol or other stress hormones and, as a result, fat does not accumulate on the abdomen. The diet of nuts and seeds is a Mediterranean inspiration and is recommended by many nutritionists.


Grapes contain potassium in very large quantities and can prevent bloating. I can also satisfy your sweet appetite and make sure you do not overcake cakes, juices or other foods containing sugar.

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