A new analysis of blood to identify the risk of lung cancer


The new method helps identify who should perform a TAC test, a radiographic radiographic examination used to diagnose this disease, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer – IARC – which is part of the WHO , quoted by agerpres.

Mattias Johansson, one of the researchers in the study, said that it was the first time that a blood test was used in the context of early detection of cancer of the liver. lung in susceptible persons

This new model takes into account consumption and analyzes blood levels of protein CA125, Pro-SFTPB, CYFRA 21-1 and CEA, some of which, like CYFRA 21-1, are already examined individually for diagnose other cancers such as ovarian cancer. [19659002] Early detection is extremely important

The study analyzed the blood of some lung cancer patients when the disease was still in the early stages of development

The new system, according to Johansson, identified among smokers and former smokers 63% of future patients, while the proportion of those with clues to topic IUCN Director, Christopher Wild, assured in a press release that "smoking prevention is the best way to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer; between smokers and former high-risk smokers, early detection has a key role to play in the fight against this disease. "

Lung cancer accounts for 20% of all cancer-related deaths worldwide, and most 80-90% are caused by smoking

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