The phone that has given way to the method by which the Chinese are spying


If you're wondering how the Chinese can spy on the phone you have, you now have the answer. Vivo Nex has left the naked Chinese.

It's an old topic and everything is gone from Americans, who have accused some companies like Huawei and ZTE of spying on customers through their phones. Due to the Chinese state's control over indigenous businesses, US secret services and, more recently, Australian suspects, Chinese companies pose a potential threat to national security, and this may be true globally.

But how do the Chinese manage to spy on you? Last month, users of Vivo Nex, the most exciting Chinese phone of the moment with a mobile front camera, have noticed that it is precisely thanks to this that the Chinese can collect your personal data.

But once you have lived with the idea that someone might be spying on you, it is already frustrating.

A Chinese social network user, Weibo, noticed that this camera is activated by itself when it uses certain applications with which it should not interact, especially without your consent

This has been noticed at once with Weibo and Telegram, but also with the QQ browser specific to Chinese space

Contact with representatives who administer these applications and gave answers considered by some contradictory. For example, Telegram said that they must turn on the front camera to ensure a secure and encrypted connection. But if there is a problem with activating the camera while it would not work, it will fix this bug.

QQ representatives said that they had to activate the camera to prepare the QR scan but did not take pictures. Do not record the audio or video user, if he does not request it.

Baidu justified the need to access the camera for features such as voice control, QR code scanning and the elimination of ambient noise.

Everyone knows how to access the camera find arguments and are somewhat credible, but more and more users have become suspicious. The funny thing about this story is that the intention of the Chinese was given by the void even by their own phone.

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