Blood group that attracts ticks as a magnet Health


  The blood group that attracts ticks like a magnet

During the hot season, the appearance of ticks is a serious problem, their bite is very dangerous and can transmit a lot of serious diseases. Specialists have discovered that there is a blood group that attracts ticks as a magnet, which means that people who suffer from it must be more cautious.

Ticks feed on blood and, because they carry bacteria, they can spread a number of conditions, some of which can lead to death. Among the most serious diseases are Lyme disease

The blood group that attracts ticks like a magnet

Laboratory tests recently conducted in a study conducted by researchers from Masaryk University in the Czech Republic draw attention to a very important detail. Scientists believe that there is a blood group that attracts ticks as a magnet, namely group A. The researchers used blood samples from groups A, B, AB, after which they have left a tick to get in touch with them. After careful monitoring, scientists found that 36% of ticks had a preference for blood group A.

"The study demonstrates that blood type could be one of the determinants of food preferences for Ixodes ricinus ticks: information obtained on the potential preference of ticks for certain blood groups can be used to reduce the risk of tick bites " Researcher Alena Zakovska, according to

Experts recommend those who are bitten by tick immediately to the doctor. To avoid possible infections, the tick should be removed properly. If this is done at home, those facing this problem should use protective gloves, tweezers to remove the tick, catch the head, and exit carefully. After removing the tick, the area must be disinfected and a visit to the doctor is recommended

Bianca Hriscu


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