A new anti-HIV treatment, simpler, as effective as conventional therapies


A new anti-HIV treatment with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has proven as effective as traditional therapy, involving a cocktail of three drugs, even for people who have higher levels of the virus that causes it. AIDS.

  Image of a new anti-HIV treatment, simpler, as effective as conventional therapies

New anti-HIV treatment, simpler, as effective as conventional therapies

This is the experimental combination dolutegravir and lamivudine, also known as "3TC", which, as a result of clinical trials, has proven to be as effective as the standard triple anti-HIV therapy produced by its rival Gilead Science, according to Reuters

that the GEMINI studies, coordinated by the Argentine researcher Pedro Cahn, were unveiled at the International Conference on AIDS, a conference on AIDS that was held from July 23 to 27 to Netherlands, Amsterdam.

for weeks, 1,400 patients participated. The researchers determined that the level of viral control in patients receiving dolutegravir and lamivudine was 91%, compared with 93% in patients who received standard triple therapy. Statistically, the difference is not significant, say the experts.

The failure rate or inability to control the human immunodeficiency virus was 1% in all groups of volunteers and no patient developed drug resistance .

And more than that, the results were significant regardless of the level of virus in the body. "It's a new treatment option," said Cahn. "The main reason we are doing this is to reduce the burden of drugs for patients receiving life-long treatment," said the researcher.

GSK is confident that this will increase sales, since the treatment it produces has fewer potential side effects. In addition, the treatment would be cheaper, especially since lamivudine is on the list of generic drugs

ViiV Healthcare, the company specializing in the treatment of HIV infection by GSK, aims to overcome Gilead in the gene therapy market. generates $ 26 billion a year by the middle of 2020. Currently, Gilead has a 52% market share, compared to 22% for GSK

Nearly half of all HIV carriers in North America and Europe (considered the most profitable markets in the market) are currently more than 50 years old and are vulnerable to the adverse effects of the drugs that keep them alive, the tolerability of treatment being considered more important than in the past

. term treatment, since patients will receive it for decades. For this reason, some specialists have said that they would like to see the results of studies that take place for at least two to three years.

In addition, specialists are investigating whether dolutegravir is somehow associated with congenital malformations, although there is no evidence.

GSK also produces anti-HIV treatment of two drugs – dolotegravir and rilpivirine –

Since the first HIV antiretroviral was licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 27 years ago, these treatments have shown Increasing efficacy and effects In addition, the population's access to antiretrovirals has resulted in a drastic decrease in the number of infections and deaths caused by AIDS

In July 2012, the FDA approved the launch of Truvada, produced by Gilead Sciences, the first drug to prevent AIDS against people at risk

According to UNAIDS, in 2017, there were 36.9 million people infected with HIV worldwide whole. Last year, 1.8 million people were infected

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