Adrian Alexandrov spoke about marriage with Elena Udrea


Adrian Alexandrov said that before thinking of marriage, attention is focused on the baptism of their daughter, and then the marriage follows.

"Right now we are focusing on the birth of the girl and we will see where we are going to baptism and hope for next summer, when Elena is in shape, to plan the wedding.I hope that it happens in Romania, birth, honestly, I do not think it will happen in Romania, there are chances to bring the little girl to Costa Rica.He will have dual nationality, Costa Rican and Romanian.I will receive the double nationality and Elena the same " the lover of Elena Udrea told Antena 1.

Adrian Alexandrov also talked about the age difference between him and Elena Udrea

" Age is an obstacle for those who choose to live their lives after others say. (…) There is no difference in age, only 10-11 years of difference between we, I consider myself a mature man who has something to learn from a woman like Elena, because she has a pretty big ex life of life We support each other said the bride of Elena Udrea.

Elena Udrea is the subject of international prosecution after six years of imprisonment in the Gala Bute case. She was in Costa Rica for several months, where she was a refugee before receiving the sentence.

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