The reaction of the Ministry of Health after the West Nile virus in Romania


  Ministry of Health Response to West Nile Virus in Romania "title =" Ministry of Health Response to West Nile Virus in Romania "src =" / multimedia / image / 201807 / w728 / west_93972800 .jpg "style =" "class =" responsive "/>

<figcaption class= Ministry of Health's reaction to West Nile virus in Romania

Meningitis / meningoencephalitis with West Nile virus detected and recorded in Romania is sporadic and currently presents no risk of epidemic, the Ministry of Health announced on Thursday

. According to data provided by the National Center for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases since the beginning of surveillance, May 2, 2018 to date, there have been 5 cases of meningitis / meningoencephalitis with West Nile virus (2 in Dolj and 1 case in Iasi, Braila and Olt) and no deaths. The Ministry of Health recommends local authorities to take pest control measures in the localities as soon as possible to prevent their spread, "according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Health

Infected patients have no symptoms Public health experts in the Member States are urging citizens to go to the nearest medical clinic urgently They have symptoms such as high fever, severe headaches, severe cases, neurological symptoms also appear: stiffness in the neck, vomiting, erratic cutaneous tenderness, increased sensitivity to light, convulsions, chills, chronic fatigue, muscular weakness

The Ministry of Health recommends several protective measures: mosquitoes, long-sleeved clothes and long trousers; avoid areas with high vegetation and high humidity (parks, forests, stagnant water, etc.); use of mosquito repellents; ensure measures for the drainage of water spills around households; removal of stagnant water containers and household waste.


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