$ 123 billion in a single day


As a result of the second quarter financial report, the value of Facebook shares fell by nearly 20% from $ 217.50 to $ 174.89 overnight. The reason seems to be the fact that it is the first decline in the history of the company, investors being disappointed by the performance of Zuckerberg's company. When it comes to making the calculations, Facebook lost $ 123.4 billion in one night.

Last night, at the close of trading, Facebook was worth $ 629.6 billion. From the opening of the stock market this morning, the value of the company fell immediately to 506.2 billion dollars . Facebook is still one of the largest and most important companies in the world, but it was hard to imagine such a decrease a few months ago. It seems that the Cambridge Analytica scandal, as well as the new European regulation GDPR, had a negative impact on users who started to leave the Facebook platform

The company tried to "reduce" the downsets of users of Facebook in some areas touting 2.5 billion users who use at least one of the services or applications of the company but investors have not been impressed

To put things in context, the entire Bitcoin stock on the market right now is worth $ 141 billion Netflix worth $ 158 billion, while Twitter and Snap Inc. is worth 33 and $ 17 billion. In fact, Facebook has lost a value day on the entire Bitcoin market, or on four Twitter-sized companies.

The course of action will surely continue to grow in the weeks and months to come, but it is clear that Facebook bring users back to its social network because only a growing number of users who consume content and advertisements seems to thank investors.

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