What happened to the twins who became the symbol of tragedy in Greece


  Missing twins in the fire in Greece "title =" Missing twins in the fire in Greece "src =" https://media.realitatea.net/multimedia/image/201807/w728/incendiu-grecia-gemene_71280500.jpg "style =" "class =" responsive "/>

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The tragedy of a dad who desperately seeks his twin daughters, only 9 years old, disappears in the fires in Greece, keeps the Greeks in his mouth. The suspense increases after the man had the impression of having seen them on television, among those saved from the flames.

Sofia and 9-year-old Vasiliki Filipopoulou disappeared Monday on holiday with their grandparents. , in Rafina, according to the Greek Reporter.

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Yiannis Philipopoulou, their father , said he seemed to recognize these girls in a "material broadcast on television showing pictures of people saved from fires. His daughters would have been on a boat, along with other flood victims in Rafina.

In the photos, a volunteer covers the twins with blankets, they are only in swimsuit

Following the investigation, but the girls on the boat were not Philipopoulou's twins but other girls who looked like that.

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