Viktor Orban: EU leads a primitive policy towards Russia – Essential


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told Băile Tuşnad's summer university on Saturday that, according to him, the EU was pursuing a "primitive" policy towards Russia, Agerpres reports [19659002] "My point of view is a fact that the EU leads a policy, and you apologize for the primitive expression of Russia, saying that Russia is a danger because it There are indeed EU member states that may feel endangered by Russia We speak of the Baltic countries, we are talking about Poland, history and geographical proximity confirm it, but most of the EU countries do not feel this danger, this danger, the Slovaks, the Czechs and we have no reason to believe that Russia, it is very dangerous for us, so it is very clear that the Baltic countries, Poland and Other countries would benefit from additional NATO guarantees from the EU to feel security, but the rest of the countries should benefit from the development of bilateral relations with Russia. So, instead of this primitive policy towards Russia, we should have a much more specialized, much better defined policy with Russia, "said Orban, according to the official translation.

According to him, it must be understood that Russia will continue to create buffer zones around it, this being the context in which Russian-American relations must be analyzed.

"We will see what will happen to Russian-American relations, what will the Americans do with these relationships. We must understand very clearly that Russia is an independent country that is not sure if there is no buffer zone around Russia. Russia will therefore continue to create these buffer zones across the country. This is what happened with Ukraine, but the Ukrainians have made it clear and straightforward that they do not want to be part of this buffer zone, they want to get closer to the country. EU and NATO and they want to build a modern Ukraine. I do not believe that the aspirations of Ukrainians to join the EU or NATO are true. It is very clear that the goal of the Russians is to restore the old situation and maintain its influence in Ukraine. So, in this context, we need to analyze Russian-American relations a bit ", said Viktor Orban

The Hungarian Prime Minister also spoke about the United States and China, saying that the United States would like to change the rules of the international games. "The processes and the time are on the side of the Chinese, the Americans are obviously out of the question and will continue their attempts, it is clear that they want to change the rules of the international games to not surrender in China. If they succeed in doing so, without armed conflict, no one will be able to answer this question. But it is clear that there is this intention, that it will not yield to this battle with China. They want to eliminate the existing trade surplus between the EU and the United States. That's what we're talking about if we look at these battles between the US and the EU, for example, on the customs agreements or tariffs that they want to be imposed by the US- United, "says Orban, according to official translations

. He also said that Europe's security also depends on stability in Turkey and Israel: "Our security here also depends on the stability of Turkey in Israel, if Turkey, for example, continues to to be a stable country, the migratory wave may be blocked (…) It is in our interest to have stability in the countries to control the phenomenon of migration. If stability is lost there, then there will be a huge threat from Muslims in this region, so we are interested in having political stability and political leaders with a clear vision of these. problems in these countries, "said the leader in Budapest

. In this context, Viktor Orban again advocated for the creation of an army of the Union. "It is very clear that in this context it is impossible for us to continue our lives as we have experienced to this point."

"It is very clear that in this context it is impossible for us to continue our lives as we have experienced up to here.We need stability, we need security.C & # 39; is very good that we have NATO here, that we have support, it's very clear, but we can not continue like this.We need our EU military force, in addition to NATO, it is very good that we have NATO, but the EU should develop its own armed forces.Victor Orban said that the Hungarian Prime Minister, as the previous years, shared a joint presentation with the MEP Tokes Laszlo at the last day of the Summer University of Băile Tuşnad

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